Part 6

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"I'm just going to go straight into it. Do you even like me in a boyfriend/girlfriend type of thing"-V "Of course."-T "But the question is.. if we did start hating how much hate do you think I would get"-V "Tons.."-T "Exactly"-V

"but.. that's a risk.. I'm whiling to take..."-V "Are you sure you'd be able to handle it"-T "Maybe we can form some sort of "plan"-V

"Are you saying that um.. you would actually wanna be with me?"-T "Well yeah just look at you!"-V he ran his hand through his hair, looked down, then laughed. "Don't do that!"-V "What why?"-T "Cause it's fucking hot"-V

He started to laugh then we began talking.
we met up with Z for her to help us.

I sat down at a table where Tom and Zendaya were already at. "So the first question I have is.. Do you think you'll be able to handle the hate, love, new fans, etc?"-Z


I took a deep breathe and Zendaya tried to think of other thinks to help us with.

"Maybe just announcing it so soon isn't such a good idea"-Z I nodded and Zendaya went on "I feel like there would be more love if Tom and I were together"-Z "Well in the case possibly you could say that you and Tom are together.. go out and be "couple-y" but.. ugh I don't know"-V "No no that's a good idea"-Z "Like Tom and I could hold hands or hug in public and you two are just.. you"-Z

We decided to do that and then we went home.

I sighed as Tom in from walking Tessa. "I- I don't really like the plan we came up with.."-T
"Me too but we don't have any other choice"-V
He came over to me and hugged me tight.

I kissed him and he kissed back.

I sat in the chair as my manger came in.

"Is it done?"-Manager "Yes.."-Z "Good. Did he sign the contract?"-M "He did, yes.."-Z "Remember.. Tell no one. And don't even think about telling anyone or I'll hurt everyone you love"-M
"Yes.. I know.."-Z

My manger walked out of the room and I just stared at the wall.

Tom, Violet, everyone.. im so sorry

I don't even like Tom.. but they need to cut Violet out of the story.. it'll be better for the media they said.. it'll be more loved by the world they said.

And now I made Tom sign the contract that said he would have to be with me forever..


It was a little later and I was hanging out with Tessa on the couch while on my phone.

Tom came out of his room and grabbed his jacket.
"Where are you going?"-V
"Z and I are going to announce we are dating"-T "Wa-wha- this early!"-V
I jumped up and went over to him.

"I need you to promise me something"-V
"What?"-T "Don't ever let Zendaya, the fans, your brothers, Harrison, or anyone ever ever get between us. No matter what we will always be friends."-V "Yes.. Definitely."-T "And you can't tell anyone about us yet not even your family"-V
"There's an us. I like that"-T
I giggled and hugged him "Date night to celebrate us?"-v "Yeah. I'll probably be back around 5"-T "Ok we can order pizza or something and have a "fancy dinner"-V
"Alright. See you later"-T

I kissed him and then he left

I arrived at Zendayas house and sighed. "Hey Tom!"-Z I just waved and she grabbed my hand and took me inside.

She sat me down on a couch in front of her phone that was on a phone stand "Be right back"-Z

She ran off and got her manger. I felt very uncomfortable. Zendaya sat down next to me as close as she possibly could.
"Just pretend I'm violet"-Z "That's impossible."-T "what why?"-Z "You are a complete opposite of Violet.."-T "Whatever just act. Not this"-Z

She put her hand on my leg and her manger counted down from 3 to 1 on his fingers.

As soon as it started I put on a fake smile and Z started to talks I didn't pay attention because I just kept thinking how this must all feel to Violet.

All of a sudden Z kissed my cheek then her manger took her phone and left.

I looked at my phone and saw it was 4:30 "I'm gonna go"-T "Why have plans? I wanted to go out on a dinner date or something. Just some kind of date to seal the deal that we are together"-Z

"well you're not my girlfriend! I have a girlfriend and you're not as amazing as her! Your not my only priority!"-T

I walked out and left and went back to our house.

I opened the door and took off my jacket. "You looked so uncomfortable"-V "Wh-What?"-T

I looked around but violet wasn't anywhere is sight.

"In the video with Z"-V "Oh. Yeah I was"-T I took off my jacket and put my keys on the table.
Violet then walked out of her room in a red short flowy dress. She did her hair and I just looked up and down.

She giggled and I crossed my arms and smiled.
"You beautiful darling"-T "well tell me what happened but.. over some pizza of course"-V

I laughed and then kissed her. I told her everything and by the end she was shocked.

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