Part 22

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After I got my nails done I went to the mall and just hung around. I went into a clothing store and looked at the clothes.I looked at some of the cute hoodies as one of the cute guy workings who was around my age came over to me "Hello. Do you need help finding anything?"-Worker.

His name tag said Thomas. I looked at him and smiled "Nope. Just browsing. Thank you though"-V "Of course.. Have a good day"-T "You too"-V

I walked over to another area and picked out some things. I went over to the counter and set down the shirts I picked out. Thomas and his friend didn't notice me and were talking quietly. I took out my wallet and then took out my credit card. I looked back over to them and then I noticed they did the Peter-Ned handshake.

Thomas noticed me and then came over to me. "Nice handshake"-V "Oh- uh Thanks- we didn't make it"-T "Who's peter and who's Ned"-V he looked surprised by my question then pointed to his friend "He's Ned I'm Peter. How long have you been watching marvel?"-T "Ever since I can remember"-V

"Um I actually wanted to ask.. Would you go out with me"-T "Like on a date?"-V "Yeah..!"-T "Well I'm sorry but I'm taken"-V "Oh thats fine. Can we be friends?"-T "Yeah.."-V "Can I have your number?"-T

Toms words then popped into my head "Don't give anyone your number they might be a fan and they might just give it away for money. I don't want you to get hurt in any way" "I- never caught your name"-T "Oh it's Violet"-V

He smiled but I never answers his question of giving him my number so it got awkward.
I handed him my credit card and set my phone down screen up.

He handed back my credit card and looked at my phone "Is that your boyfriend?"-T I nodded as I put my credit card back in my wallet. He squinted at the picture. "Wait.."-T

I think he started to figure out who he was so I said "His name is Tom which is kinda funny cause Thomas.. Tom"-V "Oh- Wait- you're Violet Violet"-T "You're dating Tom Holland; Spider-Man!"-T "Could you say it any louder"-V

I grabbed bag and Thomas jaw dropped. Right at the second Tom started to call me I picked up my phone and answered it "Have a good day"-V I started to talk to Tom and I put everything back in my purse "Hey what's up?"-V "I finished with some of the promos. They didn't want to overwork us so they said we could just do the rest tomorrow"-T

I started to walk out of the store and talked to Tom "Oooh are you coming home early today?"-V
I stood outside the store and sat on a chair. "yup! Are you home?"-T "Uh no I got my nails done then went to the mall"-V "Meet me at home?"-T "Sure!"-V

I closed my phone and then I felt someone grabbed my arm. I wrapped my fingers around my pepper spray in my bag. I turned around and saw it was Thomas "Can I talk to you"-T "I really have to get home"-V "Do you not have two seconds?"-T "I'm sorry no"-V

I tried to leave but he still was holding on to my arm. He then leaned into kiss me but I blocked him with my hand. I quickly sprayed some pepper spray on him and then quickly walked away.

I got home and almost ran there. I slowly slid down to the floor and felt my heart pounding.
Tessa came over to me and I dropped my bag and cuddled her. I stood up and hung my coat up.

I sat on the coach and then heard the door open. "Tessa. How are you sweetie"-T I walked over to him and I hugged him. "How'd everything go?"-V "Good!"-T I put my hands in my back pockets and smiled.

I then told him what had happened in the mall. He told me that he would try and get me a bodyguard. "I can't believe- I wish I was there!"-T I grabbed his hands and smiled.

"That's why you gave me the pepper spray. If it weren't for you I couldn't have gotten away"-V he pulled me on to his lap and hugged me tight.

"Don't ever get hurt"-T I giggled and pulled away to look at him "Never"-V he went a straight face looked at me. "V.. Anywhere you go always have me ready to call"-T "But what if you're on set or in an interview?"-V "I'll have someone else pick up"-T "And if you feel unsafe my love just call me and stay on the call"-T "my love.. I love that"-V

"My love! Darling..V"-T I kissed him then stood up. "We should go out for dinner"-V "I'll get ready"-T

I bit my bottom lip and giggled.

I went to my room and put on the black dress I had gotten with Tom. I put on some pantie hose and then some black heels. I brushed my hair and curled it. I did my makeup and then grabbed my bag.

I walked out of my room and Tom was fixing his hair. He saw me and looked me up and down "You look so- amazing.."-T I winked and went over to him. "You really think so?"-V "Of course darling"-T "Shall we go?"-V "Uh yeah just- I'm having my bodyguard come wit us just in case. Plus it's our night not anyone else's"-T

We waited a little until we got a car driven to us and we were driven to our dinner destination.

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