James Rodriguez - The Calm

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The sun lightly caresses her skin, asatisfied little moan escaping her lips as she stretches her armsout. Her hand lands on his arm and a smile spreads across her face.Her eyes flutter open and she glances at him. The sun flickers overhis features and she can't help but grin.

Her body aches but in all the rightways, in ways that leaves her craving even more, in a way she wishesevery morning could start this way. Memories of last night flashesacross her mind. He was everything she was hoping for and so muchmore. James made her feel like a queen. He was so gentle all along,patient and so attentive.

She told him that it's been a while forher since she'd been with anyone and he most certainly took that intoconsideration. It was clear he wanted their first time together to beas perfect as possible and honestly it was. Not because it wasplanned but because it was not.

It was just another evening she spentat his place after his match, an evening that turned into a nightthat she did not spend in one of his jerseys but wrapped up aroundhim, enjoying everything his body could offer.

She can still feel his fingers brushingover her bare skin, his breath tickling her cheeks. She's so lost inhim, she never felt the way as she feels about him. Her nature isrestless and yet somehow when she's with James, she's as calm asnever before. There's something in him that relaxes her to the pointthat she often feels like she's floating on a cloud.

People might say it's just their honeymoon phase and they are going to get to the point where they fightand argue about stupid things but for now she's going to every littlemoment of this. She's going to enjoy this beautiful man and hisbeautiful soul without worrying about what's next or what could gowrong.

His eyes open a blinding smile spreadsover his face, his eyes boring into hers. He lifts his arm, hisknuckles brushing her face softly and she leans into his touch.

"Morning beautiful," he says in arusty voice and a shiver runs over her. His arm falls around herwaist and he pulls her up to his body.

He presses a small kiss on her foreheadand she closes her eyes. They've been together for only a few monthsand yet, she can feel it in her bones this is more than what she'sever had before. He rolls on his back, pulling her with him. Her headrests right above his heart and she sighs contently.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, hislips brushing her hair lightly whilst he's drawing small patternsover her bare arm. It's a good question. She feels incredible, sogood it almost seems impossible.

"I'm more than fine, thank you."She glances up at him, her fingernail tracing over his bare stomach.She feels the little goosebumps appearing under her touch, his gazedarkening with lust in result of her teasing.

"I can see that." He chuckles,reaching for her hand, entwining it with his own. "I'm glad." Hekisses the top of her head. "I was actually quite nervous."

"Nervous?" She frowns at him. Hesurely didn't show any sign of it. She on the other hand made a foolout of herself, nearly tripping over in her own bra.

"You told me about your lastexperiences..." He says softly, his thumb brushing her skin softly."That they were anything but positive," he explains and she nods.She knew it was a mistake to tell him what a failure not only heremotional but sexual relationship was with her previous boyfriend butthere was no way to hold that back. Actually, there's no way to holdanything back from James because he makes her feel like she can tellhim anything. Not only she can tell him anything but he actuallylistens and whilst sometimes the only response she gets is a 'hm' buteven those times, he'll bring the topic up later and have thoughtsabout it, he just needs time to think it over.

"Sorry I put so much pressure onyou," she says with a small sigh.

"Oh, don't be, it's better this way,"he says with a shake of his head. "I mean, who knows what wouldhave happened if you hadn't! Maybe I'd have turned into a savage, atrue barbarian, Khal Drogo!"

"Khal Drogo?" She giggles, herbrows wriggling as she tries to imagine it. "I don't think youcould pull the braid off."

"Next Halloween, you and I, Drogo andDaenerys!" He states with a firm nod and her heart skips a beat. Hewants her around for Halloween. That would make them a year old."Best way to celebrate our anniversary! We're going to throw a Gameof Thrones party!" She doesn't even react to his excitement becauseshe's so emotional about how natural he is about the whole thing, howhe has not a single doubt that they'll still be a couple come autumn."No? Okay, I got carried away..."

"Oh, no! I mean, yes!" She pressesher lips against his hard. "Sorry, zoned out for a second. I wantthe Game of Thrones party! Hell, I want everything with you." Shegrins, pulling him over her, and into a kiss. And that's the truth,she wants everything with this man, from stupid parties to justsitting at him to going to holidays and the fights and the heatedmoments, all of it, with him because he's her calm.

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