Antoine Griezmann - Let Me Entertain You

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Warnings: strong language, explicit sexual content, oral (female), pussy slapping, name calling

Antoine sat at the bar, a glass of beer in front of him, a constant glare on his face. He hated fighting with her, hated even more that she had the ability to act like nothing had happened. She was mingling with the guests, smiling, laughing and chatting. Even worse she flirted, with every single man. However, she’d managed to top even that when she’d settled with one of them. Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, broad shoulders, her type. She often joked about how he was nothing what she usually liked in a man and he was lucky that he was cute. However, the last thing he felt in that moment was being cute.

Antoine’s eyes narrowed when her fingers lightly brushed over his arm. The man’s eyes sparkled in a way Antoine himself knew well, he was ready to tap that ass and she played on it. She laughed loud, leant forwards, her full breasts nearly spilled out of the low cut skin tight dress and she brushed her hair over her shoulder. He swallowed hard, his lips sealed into a tight line.

He was grumpy for days. He tried his best not to let the bad run of the team affect his private life but from time to time, he just couldn’t seperate the two. He’d grumbled about how it was a bad timing with her company party, her response had been that she’d make it worthwile and then he’d made the mistake to say that he’d been too tired. Clearly, she’d taken it to the heart because this was punishment, the worst type.

He stood up slowly, ran a hand over his tie and started towards them. Her catlike eyes flashed as her gaze landed on him, a smirk pulled the corner of her cherry red lips upwards. She leant close to the man, her mouth a breath away from his cheek as she whispered something and it was his turn to smirk down at her.

Antoine growled in his throat as he pushed a woman lightly out of his way and approached them with heavy steps. By the time he reached them, his limbs were so strained he felt like he had to drag himself over there.

“Having a good time, love?” He asked with a straight voice, his arm sneaked around her waist, his fingers dag into her hips so deep she winced.

“Perfect, Antonine,” she beamed and motioned towards her company. “Tony here has been kind enough to keep a lonely girl like me company.”

“Tommy, excuse me, I didn’t even noticed you were here,” Antoine offered his hand to the other man.

“Tony,” he corrected Antoine with a hard look as he took his hand. She moved her gaze between them as they held each other’s hands way too long and squeezed way too tight from what she could tell.

“Tommy, I’m very sorry but I have to cut this encounter short because I have to put this gorgeous into bed,” he said and started pushing her towards the exit.

“Well, that was rude,” she exclaimed with a smug smile on her face as they stepped out to the hall.

“Do you know what was rude?” He asked as he swirled around and pressed her up against the wall, his arms caged her, on either side of her head.

“What, Antoine?” She mused, the way his name rolled off from the tip of her tongue sensually caused his cock to sprain against his fly.

“You trying to pick another man up in front of me, that was rude,” he groaned, his eyes darkened as his gaze roamed over her body.

“The only thing I was trying to pick was your attention.” She shrugged lightly and lifted her hips to his, luring a growl out of him.

“Well, you have my full attention now,” he stated and kissed her full on the lips, his tongue pressed against her mouth and she opened with a gasp. He was way more demanding than usually, an extra edge was undeniable and it thrilled her.

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