Roman Bürki - Show Me

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Warnings: explicit sexual content, strong language

His hand deliberately roamed over her thigh, touching every little spot he knew drove her crazy on his way up over her body. She tasted like mint and strawberry, her intoxicating scent surrounding them as they slowly made out on her couch. Roman didn't want to rush anything, it was not him, not with her. She wasn't a one night stand, nor she acted like one.

The truth was she actually made him nervous as hell. They've been dating for nearly half year and yet, last time he'd touched her for more than just a kiss, she'd gone completely rigid and said goodbye so quickly, he'd been left dizzy. That hadn't been the first time she'd acted off and it put him on the edge.

She seemed different this time though and it made him more confident slightly. He wasn't going to force anything she didn't want though, as soon as he felt her being comfortable, he'd stop. He could wait. But he'd rather her told him to wait than leave him in the dark wondering if something was wrong with him.

He brushed over her ribs until his palm rested against her breast. He was kissing her softly, small brushes of his mouth over her lush lips before his tongue swapped over them. Roman smiled when a gasp escaped her, tickling him. His tongue slipped into her mouth, dancing with hers, getting lost in each other and the sensational rhythm.

He was finally on the right path, just take things slow and they'd be fine. He kneaded her breast firmly and she arched into his touch, a needy little whimper ripped through her, shaking her body under him. He massaged her until he felt her nipples pulling against his palm and he switched to the other side.

She was getting lost in the sensations, he could tell from how her breath changed, how she arched into him. Her body pressed to his tighter when she placed her leg over his caging him between her thighs. His hips bucked to her involuntarily and he felt her froze under him. Her muscles strained and her fingers cramped against his biceps. Roman pulled back from her, his gaze searching her face, uncertain what he did wrong.

"Go on," she said a little out of breath, her pupils dialed, her cheeks flushed, lips swollen and he really wished in that moment he could ignore the dread on her face. However, he couldn't, it was there, in her tensed body, in the way she looked at him like a lost deer. He shook his head and sat back on his heels, rubbing his face. "Roman?" The panic in her voice made him even more aware that she was not only not ready to make the last step but actually feared it.

"We need to talk about this," he exclaimed.

"There's nothing..."

"Don't lie to me." His voice was strained. He wasn't angry with her because she wasn't ready, it was fine. He was angry because she didn't think she could say so. He wasn't an animal. He understood.

"Sorry." She dropped her gaze to her lap as she sat up and pulled her knees to her chest.

"I... You have to tell me what's wrong. Is it me, is it..."

"It's not you!" She cut in before he could go on and he sucked his lips between his teeth. "Really, we should just go on and..."

"No. I'm not touching you like this. I'm not doing anything you won't enjoy." He needed to know what was going on in her head. Roman watched her cheeks paling off the rosey colour, the features on her face deepening with worry.

"It really is okay," she whispered and he needed every ounce of his self control not to growl at her.

"It is not," he stated. His woman wasn't going to be left unsatisfied, ever. "Just talk to me, please." He pleaded, placed his hand lightly on her knee, not missing how she flinched under his touch, resulting in a painful sting in his heart and he dropped his hand from her.

"I..." She started, visibly struggling with the words. Her eyes darted around the room, looking anywhere but at him before her gaze settled on the mug on the table. He waited patiently, not wanted to rush her at all. Whatever her reason was for freezing up all the time, it wasn't anything light. "I can't."

"You can't what?" He stared at her dumbfounded. She couldn't have sex? Did she have some kind of disease? He didn't understand.

"I can't enjoy it." Her words were barely audible, yet had the power to leave Roman stunned for a moment.

"Are you... Are you asexual?" He didn't consider this as an option before but now it hit him hard. She could get so turned on just by their make out sessions, he didn't think that would be the case but then he didn't know much about the subject and maybe he misinterpreted the little information he heard before.

"No." Her head snapped up. "I just... I want to... I crave it but... I can't... with a man." His eyebrows shut to his hairline. "Or a woman... I mean, I don't know about that because I've never but I'm not attracted to women so..." He nodded and let out a sigh of relief. For a moment, he wasn't certain which would have been a bigger bummer, her being asexual or her being into women completely, not only leaving his body to rot but his heart as well.

"Okay," he said slowly, the wheels turning on his mind.

"But it doesn't mean you can't..."

"No. I meant when I said that I'm not doing anything you don't enjoy," he stated with a stern voice again. "So... Tell me..." He cleared his throat, unsure if there was a polite way to phrase his question. Either way, it needed to be asked. "Do you touch yourself?"

"Yes." She nodded, the colour running back to her cheeks.

"Good." He propped his elbows on his knees as he watched her. Why the hell did she think she couldn't enjoy it? "Do you like it? Can you go all the way?"

"Yes and yes but... Ro, my ex tried and it doesn't work, he said I was frigid and I think he's right." Tears gathered in her eyes, shame washed over her face and he finally understood.

"Motherfucker," he mumbled under his breath before he reached for her and pulled her body to his. Her knees rested against his side and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. His blood boiled by the thought that someone made her feel this way, that some fucker dared making her think that she wasn't capable of enjoying herself because he hadn't been able to find out what she needed. "We'll see about that." He patted a kiss on the top of her head. "If you let me, of course."

"I don't want you to feel bad if I fail... we could just accept..."

"Okay, first of all..." He took her face into his hands. "No one is failing at anything. This isn't a test," he stated, holding her gaze. "Second, if you give me a chance, I promise I'll try my best to make it okay what he fucked up."

"But if I can't, you will think it's your fault..."

"No. It's no one's fault. We can but try and if it doesn't work, at least you gave it a chance." Roman knew there was a long road ahead of them but he was willing to take all the time in the world just to make her feel good and accepted. "And babe, I'll still be with you, one way or another."

"How do you... How do you plan to do this though?" She asked in a small voice and he raised his eyes to the ceiling. The billion dollar question. How?

"You'll show me first, that's how." He patted a small kiss on the tip of her nose with a nod, a plan shaping on his mind quickly, one that he was hoping would work, for both of their sakes.

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