Federico Bernardeschi - I'm Alive

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Warnings: explicit sexual content, strong language, mention of car accident, scars, throat grabbing

You take a look at your reflection inthe mirror and make a face. Your body isn't what it was used to be,not since the accident. One reckless teen driver, one unfortunateeven and look at you now... There's a long angry red line at theoutside of your thigh, running all the way down to your knee at yourleft side. The scar of the surgery at the middle of your belly is bigand ugly, ruining your used to perfect skin.

Slowly, you turn around and your facepulls into a grimace. Your ass is also not as perfect as it was usedto be. You haven't had the chance yet to start training again. Lordknows, you miss the activity but the doctors said you must wait atleast a month and start out with something not too heavy.

You know this trip with Fede issupposed to be relaxing and give you a chance to just take a breakbut you're so caught up in your misery that you can't really enjoy asingle moment. He's amazing of course but that's the thing, he treatsyou like a China doll ever since the accident. You don't feel normal,not for a single second. Everyone got so terrified that you'd diethat now they talk to you like you're some kind of delicate flower,they keep asking if you need anything, if you're okay and itfrustrates you. Of course, you understand where they're coming frombut it's frustrating regardless.

You haven't had sex since the accident.The doctors would have allowed it 2 weeks after the surgery but everytime you tried anything your boyfriend turned you down gently, eitherjust pretending he didn't get the hint or saying he was tired. It'squickly started hurting your self esteem of course. Fede and you bothhave a high drive and him saying no was painful. Standing in front ofthe mirror in only a tiny bikini you understand though. You wouldn'twant to do anything with this ugly reminder of what your body wasused to.

Your anger is growing with every secondthat you spend staring at yourself and you want to scream. Why didthis have to happen to you? Why you? Why you? The question that keepscoming back to you each time. If only you hadn't had a fall out withyour sister, maybe you'd have paid more attention. If only you'dtaken the tram as you planned originally... If only...

"Oh, hey..." Fede steps in from thegarden. He looks away awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck and youfeel the tears in the back of your eyes burning.

"We should go home." You clear yourthroat, lifting your chin. You'll take your pride with you at leastand he won't see you cry. It's such a horrible thing because youunderstand him and yet, you also hate him for not wanting youanymore. You'd want him, no matter how he looked.

"What?" His head snaps up and hestares at you with knitted brows.

"I mean, I'll go home with the nextplane." You correct yourself, realizing there isn't going to beanymore 'we' after this.

"Are you sick? What's going on? Talkto me!" He rushes to you, taking your face into the palm of hishands, trying to find your gaze.

"Yes, I am sick, Fede!" You screamat him, pushing him on the chest. "I'm sick and tired of you can'teven look at me, let alone touch me. I'm sick and tired of hopingthat maybe you'll get over what a freak I've become because of somesick joke of life." Tears stream down your burning cheeks and youcurse yourself for it. You had nothing left but your pride but noweven that's gone and you're a sobbing mess in the middle of abeautiful cabin, located in the middle of the ocean.

"I... Love, I don't... youmisunderstand..." He stutters but you don't even care anymore, thewords are bursting out of you now.

"Misunderstand that we are on a goddamn private island? So no one can see my malformed body. So no onecan see what a freak –"

"Shut up!" He growls in a lowvoice, his jaw ticking but you just go on without haltering.

"What's your plan, Fede? Waiting forme to fully recover and then dumping my ass? Well, guess what, it'stime, you can –"

"Shut the fuck up!" He shouts atyou, his hand on your throat faster than you could realize what'shappening. He backs you up against the nearest wall with two bigstrides, your back hitting the cold bricks. "God damn it." You'reboth panting. Tears well up in his eyes as well and he lets go ofyou, cursing under his breath. "You think it's easy for me? Youthink it's so fucking easy to turn you down when one glance at you,hell one thought of you and I'm hard? You think it's so fucking easyto try and figure out what's best for you?" He's pacing in front ofyou, his voice shaking more and more with each word. "I'm trying mydamnest! No, I don't touch you because I don't want to hurt you. Ibrought you here because I wanted to give you peace –"

"But I don't need peace!" Youscream back. "I don't need you to treat me any different –"

"You almost fucking died!" He yellsat you, tears soaking his face.

"But I didn't!" You shout at him,frustrated. "I'm alive! I'm fucking alive, Fede!"

He gives you a sideway glance and youswallow hard. You see the moment when something snaps in him andfinally, you see the Fede you know and love. In two steps he's infront of you. His lips crash to your hard. His hands roam your bodyas he swirls both of you around. He lifts you to the table, knockingyour legs apart and stepping between them.

You moan loud into the kiss. God, youmissed this so much, feeling his heat around you, his strong handsclaiming your body, the sound of your racing heart filling thesilence.

"For you," he groans, pushing hisshorts down his muscular legs, letting his erection fall free. Youlick your lips instinctively and lean down. Your hand wraps aroundhis shaft before your mouth. A moan ripples through you when youtaste his excitement on the tip of your tongue. His hips buck to you,forcing his cock a little deeper into your mouth. You let your droolcoat him everywhere, taking him deeper and deeper to your warmth. Hishands tangle in your messy locks to guide you and you swallow hardaround him in response of the sweet ache across your skull.

His dick slips down your throat, makingyou gag heavily around him. He pushes deeper for a moment and youwait for him to start fucking your face, your own juices catching theinside of your thighs but instead he pulls you off with a rough move.

"I need to feel your pussy," hegrumbles, pushing you on your back, ripping your bikini bottom offyou.

"Fuck, yes, don't hold back," youwhimper, spreading your legs even wider for him when he pressesagainst your drenched entrance. You've been waiting so long for this.You've missed his body so much, it was nearly driving you crazy.

He reaches under your knees and liftsyour legs, your heels at the edge of the table, legs bent and hethrusts into you. There's nothing gentle about it, no holding backbut going all the way, knocking against your cervix and you screamout, your spine bowing in pleasure.

He's palming your breasts, pushing thetiny fabric of the bikini top aside. His fingers are firm as hekneads you before he rolls your nipples between his fingers. You'relosing yourself in the sensations quickly. You've been on the edgefor the last month and whilst you helped yourself of course, it's noteven close to what he can do to your body.

You're so close you can almost tasteyour climax on the tip of your tongue when his hand falls to yourscar and you freeze.

"No." He states with a hard voicewhen you try to push his hand away before he grabs your wrists andpushes your arms above your head. You feel the tears in your eyesagain and whimper a pathetic little please, not entirely certain whyyou don't want him anywhere near those scars. Because they'redisgusting and finally he wants you. "These only make you morebeautiful," he whispers with a gravelly voice as he leans over you,his fingers tracing over the line at the side of your leg. "You'rea survivor, love." He says and a sob bursts out of you. Your bodyis shaking under him as he keeps fucking you with harder and harderswings of his hips. His pubic bone rubs against your clit and you'regetting closer and closer to the edge. "My beautiful warrior," hegrowls, kissing your tears away. His fingers slip from your wrists toyour hand, fingers interlacing with your own. "So fucking proud ofyou, love." He can barely finish the sentence before your bodytenses and a glass shattering scream rips through you, sending youinto a spiral, following the crawl up now falling, falling but he'sthere to catch you, he's always there to catch you and you shouldhave never doubted that.

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