Marcus Rashford - Can't Be Mad Forever

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Warnings: strong language, explicit sexual content

She's pacing in the room, occasionallysending a death glare towards the door just in case he steps in themoment she does. She wants him to know that she's angry, raging even.What Marcus did was anything but okay. They are a couple such bigdecisions should be made by both of them and not on a whim by him.

She wasn't ready to go public. Notbecause she was scared that their relationship wouldn't last –they've been together for nearly half year and they sure had theirupside downs but always managed to surface back to the top – butbecause she wasn't ready for the entire international media andmillions of fans picking her life and body apart.

She was so caught up in the moment, shedidn't even have time to protest when he ran to the stands and pulledher down to him. Her first reaction of course was to get lost in hiskiss, to wrap her arms around him and tell him how proud she was ofhim. However, that only lasted so long until she remembered they werein the middle of freaking packed stadium. She didn't make a scene,of course. One, she doesn't like public scenes, it's distasteful andno one's business if she has issues and two, she didn't want everyoneto think she's a harpy.

The door opens and Marcus walks in witha sheepish grin on his face. She doesn't smile at him, instead herarms are crossed over her chest and she has one of her eyebrowraised, lips pouted. He drops his bag and rambles on and on abouteverything that just happened at the match and she wonders exactlyhow long it will take for him to realize she has no reaction.

"Oh and Jesse thinks you're mad atme," he says laughing, making it obvious he thinks even the thoughtis nonsense.

"Hm." She flashes a fake smile athim, one of those that lasts only for a second and even a blindperson could tell that it isn't genuine.

"Wait..." He finally looks at herfor more than two seconds. "You really are angry with me?"

"I don't know, Marcus, what do youthink?" Her voice is strained as she narrows her eyes at him and hecurses under her breath.

"I'm sorry." He rubs the back ofhis neck, glancing at her from under his lashes. "I reallyshouldn't have ambushed you like that –"

"Oh, you think so?" She snorts, theglare still on her face.

"But I was so happy and I wanted toshare it with you and I'm tired of hiding my beautiful girlfriend."

"Charming me won't work this time,"she warns with a roll of her eyes even though, it does work a littlebit for sure. It's a nice thought that he doesn't want her to be adirty little secret, that he wants to tell everyone they are real.

"I'm just saying the truth." Hesteps to her, slipping his index finger under her chin, lifting herhead so she has to look at him. "You can't be mad at me foreverjust because I want the world to know how lucky I am to have you."

"You are lucky indeed," shemumbles, feeling how she slowly melts by his words. He's good likethat, Marcus could be awkward from time to time but when he reallytries he can be so smooth and say the exact words that she needs tohear that she couldn't be angry for too long.

"I know." He smiles, leaning incloser to her, his lips lightly brushing hers.

"Besides my surprise would go towaste if I stayed angry with you." Her lips pull upwards and shetakes a step back from him.

"What surprise?" His voice turns alittle lower, a little huskier as he watches her. She grabs the hemof her top and pulls it over her head. "Fuck, we sure can't letthat go to waste," he mumbles under his breath when seeing her newlingerie. She wears a red lace bodysuit. The straps cross over herstomach, disappearing under her shorts. The thin fabric barely coversher skin, hides her erecting nipples just enough so it isn't entirelyobvious.

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