Double Rebound - Ruben Loftus-Cheek

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Warnings: strong language, explicit sexual content, choking, spanking, daddy kink, hair pulling, name calling, oral (male)

Her moans and whimpers filled hisapartment. Ruben could practically see her riding towards her orgasm,grasping desperately to reach it, to finally get a hold of thatsomething she needed in order to lose her mind. But it wasn'thappening and it filled him with more satisfaction than he was careto admit.

This was her sixth false attempt in thelast month since she's moved into the apartment next to him – bychance, by some terrible devilish mistake -, each turning out worsethan the previous ones. He's never seen the guys she brought home buthe did hear them, even more importantly, he heard her. He heard everysingle fake sound that she forced out of herself, he heard everysingle sad attempt to reach the heights she'd had with him. It wasall for nothing and it made him damn happy even if that meant he wasa petty bastard.

They'd dated for half year last year. 6months of insanity, 6 months of screaming, fighting, insults andplates thrown, red wine on the walls, broken glasses covering thefloor along side with his shattered heart. The two of them were likea natural disaster and yet from time to time, more than he'd haveliked he missed her, not that he'd admit it of course. He'd neveradmit that his now former girlfriend of the last 5 months was rightand he still often went back in his mind to the girl with the stareyes and the crazy curls.

He's had his fair share of new partnerssince they've split as well, tried a new relationship, there was nodenying it, nor reason to try to do so. However, none of it was likehis time with her, none of the women felt around his cock as she had.The bite marks, the scratches left by them only annoyed him, theirbody didn't curve the way hers, didn't fit his own as hers had. Theirnoises were frustrating, whiny, missing that husky thickness he lovedin hers so much. Whilst he enjoyed the physicality, he missed havingher under him, he missed seeing that moment of complete surrender inher eyes when she'd let it all go. He'd never admit this though, notwanting to sound like a whiny bitch. But sometimes, when he heard herstruggles through the thin walls, he was tempted to go over and showthose pathetic fuckers she kept taking home just how it's doneproperly.

He snorted when her scream that was nodoubt just as fake as her previous noises rang through the space.When he'd made her scream, he'd known it'd been real, not onlybecause her pussy had been clamping down on him so tight he couldn'tmove but because there'd been something incredibly free in her voice,how she'd let go of everything, he could hear it. This though...These screams that she no doubt put her best acting skills into justsounded like she was happy they were done.

He could hear them moving around in theapartment and after a couple of minutes he heard the man leaving.Another loser, he huffed and stood up to stretch his arms. He shouldhit the bed now that his daily porn was finished, only after hefinished himself as well though, thinking of her tight cunt milkinghis dick.

He pulled his t-shirt over his head,let it drop on the floor as he headed towards his bedroom when therewas a knock on the door. His eyebrows knitted as he turned back,wondering who could be visiting him at night. If he got lucky, maybeone of his lady friends needed some caring just as much as he did.

"Ah, you," he barked when he openedthe door and his neighbour aka ex girlfriend stood there, lookingjust as frustrated as he did.

"Yes, me." She raised her nose intothe air, narrowing her eyes at him. "You had no one over tonight."She crossed her arms over her chest, running her eyes over him, hergaze lingering at his waistline where his jogging pants hung low.

"And you had no one making you come.What's your point?" He shrugged, unable to drag his gaze away fromher breasts nearly spilling out of the tight black crop top she wore.He loved fucking her breasts, covering them with his jizz, making herlook so dirty, watching as she teasingly scooped some up to get ataste. She was one of the dirtiest little thing he's ever known anddamn, he missed that.

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