✨🌸 Chapter 1 🌸✨

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The open sign that hung so gingerly in the window was now turned around, showing that the flower shop was now closed.

Jaemin heaved a sigh as he felt the relief of a day at work now being over. He brushed his hair back with his fingers before he grabbed the keys to the shop, closing the door and locking it behind him.

The air outside was now colder as the sun was already starting to set at only 7pm. The cold months were arriving and Jaemin wasn't too keen about it. He hated the feeling of being cold and not to mention all nature died during winter.

He shrugged off his thoughts and began making his way home. The streets were lit with some lights as people chatted amongst themselves, smiles plastered on mostly everyone's face.

Jaemin held a small smile of his own as he witnessed everyone being happy. He fiddled with his keys in his pocket out of pure boredom, but suddenly stopping once he noticed something.

Or someone.

There sat the black haired boy from this morning, sitting on a bench on its far right while seeming to talk to someone. The strange thing was, no one else was sitting with him. Jaemin scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, thinking he wasn't seeing something for a second.

After a few seconds of debate, he decided to walk over and see what the boy was up to. Jaemin also felt something in his stomach flip when he thought about looking into those intriguing eyes again, but he decided to ignore the thought.

He walked over with confidence and tapped Jeno's shoulder lightly. The boy jerked his body being startled by the touch, but his features softened once he saw who it was.

"Hey, its you," Jeno said while giving a light smile.

"The one and only flower boy," Jaemin said smirking.

An awkward silence fell over the both of them for mere seconds before Jaemin cut in.

"Would it be alright if I sat for a bit?"

Jeno looked up at him, looked to his side for a split second, then back to Jaemin with a smile.

"Sure, I don't mind."

Jaemin took his seat and glanced at the boy next to him. He noticed the bouquet of flowers still resting in his lap.

"You still have the flowers?" Jaemin asked curiously while eyeing them down.

"U-uh yeah. I was actually about to um..," Jeno trailed off and looked down to the ground.

Jaemin got the hint and smiled sweetly.

"It's ok, I understand. Sh-shall I go then?"

Jeno turned his head to the other and shook it harshly.

"Nah you're fine. You can wait here if you don't mind?"

Jeno's face then slightly flushed as he realized he was asking the boy he only met today to wait for him until he's finished saying goodbye. He then looked foreword and spotted the graveyard that wasn't too far away, being the reason he was sitting in that area.

Jaemin just held his stare on the other as Jeno got up, looking back to him and then walking away. Jaemin sat there and bit his lip and waited for the other to return.

The lights slowly faded as Jeno made his way deeper into the graveyard while clutching the flowers in his right hand. He then reached the grave that he was looking for, a small smile creeping his way onto his face.


"Jeno, who was that boy?"

A woman in a long, white dress that seemed to flow with every step, came walking out from behind the grave. There was something odd about her appearance, she almost seemed to be see-through and having an ethereal glow. She wiggles her eyebrows and smirked at the boy.

Jeno, being Jeno, knew what his mom was getting at and flushed immediately.

"Mom! I met him today!" He whined to his mother.

She just chuckled and patted her son on his head.

"Knew him well enough to let him interrupt our conversation."

Jeno just sent a playful glare to his mom as she chuckled. They exchanged a few more words with each other and were both sitting in front of the gravestone.

A silence then set over both of them as Jeno stared at the grave stone, his features slowly turning downward as he checked the time on his phone. He swallowed a breath and looked towards his mother with a sad smile.

"The hour's almost over," he said in a quiet voice. His mom smiled back at him and ruffled his dark hair.

"Don't be upset Jeno, I'll be here next year."

Jeno gave a half hearted smile.

"I'm sorry mom, it's all... it's all my fault."

His mom scrunched her brows together and narrowed her eyes.

"Jeno. It's not your fault. You are one of the best things that's ever happened to me. Even though circumstances happen, in no way is it your fault," she said with sincerity laced in her voice.

Jeno felt his eyes tearing up as his mom gave a hug to her son, feeling cold but laced with love.

"I wish I could've stayed..."

The tears in Jeno's eyes couldn't hold themselves anymore as they let themselves out.

The ghostly figure of his mom was slowly starting to fade as she looked Jeno in the eyes.

"Until next year," but it came out as barely a whisper.

And with that, his mother vanished.

Jeno wiped at his tears that were continuing to fall as he swiftly grabbed the flowers, placing them atop his mother's grave. The flowers glowed as they sat on the grave, petals moving softly in the breeze.

His knees felt weak as he sat there and cried, feeling the dread all over again.


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