✨🌸 Chapter 39 🌸✨

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Jaemin looked around at the small crowds of people, feeling a tad bit nervous, but he viewed himself as a grown boy. He can call 119 in an instant, and he knows some karate moves that he taught himself when he was younger.

The store was a bit odd since it was filled with a bunch of essential oils and herbs and a bunch of earthy items. It was actually quite interesting, but the boy only had one thing on his mind.

When he entered the shop, the view of someone familiar immediately came into view, looking at a few incense sticks.

"Renjun?" Jaemin asked curiously, the boy turning at the sound of his name.

"You came," he smiled warmly, walking over to Jaemin and grabbing his wrist.

He pulled the boy deeper into the store and turned down one of the isles, then stopping and facing Jaemin.

"Wait, you? But, wait," Jaemin sputtered, utterly confused by the situation.

Renjun laughed and crossed his arms. "Yes, I'm the one who texted you. And I'm the one who sent you that text beforehand too," the dark haired explained.

Jaemin stopped his stumbling words and stood still, mouth slightly parting as he took the information in. "It was you? Then... how'd you even get my number?"

"I happened to see Mark's phone when he wasn't looking. That kid goes on it every day in our elective class."

Jaemin oh'ed and shook his head, still looking a bit skeptical at the boy. Thank god it wasn't some weird stalker who messaged him, but what was Renjun up to?

"I wanted to bring you here so that I could continue to explain things to you. I have a lot of information, but frankly some of it is impossible for me to say," Renjun frowned towards the end of his sentence, making Jaemin scrunch his eyebrows in curiosity.

"What is it then?"

"Your dreams... the reason I want you to remember them and be aware of them is because it... um... it may have to do with my power-"

"Your power?!" Jaemin cut in, but shushed himself when they accidentally caught someone's attention. "Sorry."

Renjun shook his head and avoided the other's gaze. "No, it's okay. I haven't told anyone except the school administrators what my power is, and it's for good reason."

The dark haired boy twiddled his thumbs and breathed in through his nose, the nice scent of herbs relaxing him before he could continue. "I... I have the power to see into the future... and I may be trying to warn you through your dreams."

Jaemin listened to every word, even repeated them in his head multiple times, but he still found it difficult to comprehend. Renjun was controlling his dreams?

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