✨🌸 Chapter 12 🌸✨

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The sun blared through the curtains and right into Jaemin's eyes.

The boy found it quite annoying and tried turning over multiple times in the bed to try to avoid waking up, but it was no use as the room kept getting brighter and brighter.

Eventually, he gave up and sat up in the bed with his eyes barely open, still not ready to face the world today.

Why was he having such a hard time getting up?

He thought for a moment and that's when memories of the wedding came through his mind. Honestly, he barely remembers anything that happened after he snoozed during the ceremony.

He cursed himself for falling asleep and really hoped he didn't snore.

Then it hit him. How did he get home?

His hazel eyes now cracked open, temporarily blinded by the continuous sunlight, but he managed to make out every object in the room.

It was smaller, had a desk crammed in the corner with a nightstand next to him, and a wardrobe that was pretty decent.

This wasn't his bedroom.

Jaemin then began to panic at the thought of what had happened.

What if he was kidnapped and Jeno and Mark were too busy chatting to realize? What if it's some stranger that just found him randomly lying somewhere and decided to take him in??

Jaehyun is gonna be mad too, he was supposed to text him if he were to stay anywhere. His poor hyung was probably shaking in his shoes right now.

Not to mention Jisung who-

But his thoughts were cut off by a soft knock that resonated through the plain wooden door.

Jaemin just jumped out of the bed and hid on the other side of it, so that it made him invisible to the door's perspective.

He then heard some muffled talking outside the door and strained his ears to listen.

"Is he awake?"

"I don't know, I thought I heard shuffling but he's not answering."

"But I just made pancakes, they can't get cold."

"Not my fault, Taeyong."

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