✨🌸 Chapter 13 🌸✨

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"No no NO!" Jeno yelled as he banged his head against the floor, seeing the losing screen as Jaemin just stood up in victory.

"I wonnn! Againn!" The boy said as he pumped his hands in the air while circling the living room.

Jeno just pouted and kept his head on the floor in defeat. This is the fifth time he's lost and hasn't won a single match.

He was just laying there limp before he felt hot breath on his ear.

"I won," the voice whispered, sending jolts down the older's spine.

Jeno scowled and sat up to see a laughing Jaemin. He glared at the younger who didn't even notice for a whole two minutes from being clouded by his own excellency.

But once he did notice, he was almost scared by the glare Jeno was sending his way, and felt his whole body stiffen.

Jeno then slowly stood up, causing him to look as if he was towering over the younger, his features turning from a scowl into an evil smirk.

Jaemin took this as his cue to run and did just that, Jeno following suit.

The light haired boy was running circles around the living room, Jeno right on his trail and not too far behind.

His heart started beating fast as he ran down a random hallway, not knowing where it goes to.

But he was badly mistaken as he came face to face with nothing but a closet door that was way too small to hide in.

Jaemin gulped and turned around to see Jeno still smirking as he slowly came closer.

"No!" Jaemin yelled in fear, backing himself into one of the corners. "It's not my fault you're bad at playing video games!"

Jaemin laughed and caught the older off guard as he sprinted right passed him, causing Jeno to have whiplash for a second.

"You're gonna get it now! I'd like you to know I always beat Taeyong!" Jeno yelled and followed after the younger who was running again.

But this run didn't last for long. Jaemin turned to look at Jeno with a teasing smile, not noticing the couch right in front of him.

His feet tripped and he fell face first over the back of the couch, becoming disoriented and not knowing what happened.

Jeno saw this as an opportunity and immediately ran to the couch, watching as Jaemin flipped himself onto his back in order to get up.

But Jeno didn't let that happen. He climbed on top of  the couch and grabbed both of the younger's shoulders, pinning him down so he couldn't get up.

"Got you," Jeno said white a growing grin, sitting himself on Jaemin's stomach to definitely prevent the other from moving.

Jaemin pouted and struggled as much as he could, but the older was surprisingly strong as he kept him pinned.

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