✨🌸 Chapter 41 🌸✨

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"Are the bags all packed?" Jeno asked, turning to his boyfriend who slammed the trunk closed. He gave a thumbs up and a bright smile, excited to attend the birthday party of the man they wedded not too long ago.

Jeno smiled back and nodded, then turning to Mark who also nodded and climbed in the driver's seat. Thinking about Jaemin being lonely, Jeno decided to stay in the back with him. Jisung climbed into the front seat, jumping up onto the cushion with a huff since he was unfortunately in cat form.

Jisung claimed to be bored today, so they decided to let him come along.

Along the way there, Jaemin began to describe some of his dream from yesterday to Jeno. He doesn't remember any from last night, but that one dream still swarmed his mind like a relentless memory.

Jeno listened carefully, studying how the expression's on the younger's face changed from time to time as he described each scene with much detail, as if he were reliving it. He scrunched his eyebrows, almost concerned when the dream came towards an end.

"So wait, Renjun told you to remember your dreams, right?" Jeno interjected and Jaemin nodded violently. "Why?"

Jaemin just shrugged and rubbed one of his temples. "I wish I knew too. It's been driving me nuts."

"He has a mind power right? And can see into the future?" Jeno asked, Jaemin nodding with his eyes closed from suddenly feeling drowsy. He could've really gone for a coffee that morning.

Jeno thought for a moment, placing a hand on his chin. "Does he only know your future? Or can he see others? Also why is he so invested in yours?" the dark haired began running possible scenarios through his head, but this honestly didn't make sense to him.

Jaemin cracked his eyes and looked towards Jeno who was debating, finding his point actually very compelling. He shook his head and crossed his arms, softly leaning his shoulder onto Jeno's just for that bit of extra comfort. "I don't know that one either."

The rest of the car ride went with them contemplating things like that, getting a little off topic and began ranting about the existence of aliens. Jisung napped the entire way in his little cat form as Mark played them some bops, which was enjoyable.

They also stopped at a Starbucks, much to Jaemin's happiness, and took their drinks to go.

Before they knew it, the house with the written address came into their view. The white painted house looked over them with at most three stories, and a well architectural design that was pleasing to the eye. It was a wealthier home, but not one that had all the riches in the world.

Climbing out of the car, Jeno went to the trunk to help Jaemin carry the bags, making sure to stay with him this time so that nothing went wrong.

Jaemin took a breath in, observing the people walking up to the front door and the beautiful house in front of them. He could hear soft music coming from the backyard, and he couldn't wait to apologize to the man and woman he knew for being 'drunk' last time. Gathering his confidence, he turned to Jeno and nodded as a signal.

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