✨🌸 Chapter 15 🌸✨

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"So, you have the power of light?" Jeno asked while carrying a poor little kitty in his arms, noticing its foot had been scratched open.

Donghyuck sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I've been able to create light ever since I was born. Pretty weird, right?"

Mark smiled as he thought back to how beautiful the sight was, it was like a swirling sun being held right in the younger's hands. More or less it was quite amazing to watch.

"Well, you can join our power club if you want," Jeno asked as the redhead's eyes went wide.

"W-wait, you mean-?" He questioned as he pointed at both Jeno and Mark back and forth.

Jeno just nodded and began to explain.

"I have the power to see people who have passed on in the hour of their birthday. Sometimes it's a pain though, because I can mistake some random ghost as an actual person and people look at me sideways," the dark haired boy chuckled and then motioned to Mark.

"Mark over here can read people's minds. It's pretty annoying but can sometimes come in handy. Also his eyes glow whenever he looks at someone with a power so that's why we were secretly prying."

Donghyuck just snapped his head over and looked at them with wide eyes, not quite knowing how to process this. "So he could read my mind the entire time??"

Jeno stared for a second but soon smirked at Mark who was giving the younger a look.

"Actually, he c-"

"Can! Yes, I can read your mind," Mark cut in hastily, sending a quick glare towards his friend as to shut up about him actually not being able to.

Donghyuck felt his cheeks heat up at the thought of him being able to see his every thought. What if he saw when he got flustered earlier? Can he read thoughts in the dark like that?

He just shook his head and continued walking with his new power group.

"You know..," Mark suddenly said, "we should have that flower boy join our power club. I mean, it would only make sense."

The dark haired boy nodded and felt his heart thump in his chest at the thought of hanging around the younger. Man his brain must be seriously messed up if he gets like this just thinking about a person. But then it hit him.

"Wait..." Jeno said and facepalmed himself.

The two others just looked at him before Mark sighed. "You forgot to tell him you had a power, didn't you?"

Jeno just pet the cat in his arms softly as he guiltily nodded. How could he forget to tell the younger something as important as that?

"Guess you'll have to tell him eventually. I mean, he did tell you about his so it's only fair."

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