✨🌸 Chapter 3 🌸✨

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Jeno was walking home with many thoughts on his mind. You have your usual ones like 'what should I do when I get home' or how he was thinking about his mother, but someone else was now making his way into his head and wouldn't leave Jeno alone.

He groaned and shook his head as he approached his house door. He quickly went inside, feeling the air becoming colder and colder and wanting to get into the warmth of his house.

Once Jeno entered, the sound of the kitchen sink filled the small space. He walked into the kitchen and saw his older brother scrubbing at the dishes hard.

"I'm home!" Jeno's voice pierced through the once peaceful air.

"Holy sh-!" his brother yelled as he flipped around holding the scrubber up as a defense.

Jeno just laughed at his brother who's shoulders began to relax upon realizing that it was just Jeno.

"You should've been home by 8:30. What were you doing?" his brother asked while continuing what he was doing.

"Taeyong you're way too overprotective-"



Taeyong rolled his eyes as he turned off the faucet and placed the last dish into the dishwasher. He then wiped off his hands and turned to his brother in the doorway, who was wearing an empty gaze as he stared at the fridge. Taeyong gave him a confused look and waved a hand in his brother's face. "You hungry or something?"

Jeno snapped out of it and shook his head no. "Nah I just had ice cream."

"What? From who?" Taeyong asked while walking out of the kitchen, Jeno following behind as they sat in their living room.

"Jae-... I mean there's uh a corner store that sells it," Jeno said, not knowing if his brother would kill him for letting a stranger treat him to ice cream.

Taeyong doesn't let things slip past, no, so he caught on rather quick what was going on. "Someone treated you to it, didn't they?"

Expecting a scolding, Jeno just slowly nodded while grabbing the couch pillow that was closest to him to use as some type of shield from words.

But none of that happened. In fact, Taeyong's face turned into an evil smirk and he wiggled his brows a bit at the younger.

"When were you gonna tell me about your secret boyfriend hm?"

Jeno just blushed and chucked the pillow at his brother, starting an unnecessary fight that lasted about five minutes. Once they were calmed down, Jeno just decided to grab the remote and put on some movies for the night.

"But seriously, he's not my boyfriend."

Taeyong just nodded while holding a smirk but didn't answer.

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