✨🌸 Chapter 53 🌸✨

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Walking closer to the park with the ghostly figure of Jaemin on his back, Jeno soon spotted the meeting place he so violently told everyone to meet at. The dark haired boy didn't hesitate to run to the swing set, seeing a middle aged man, a cat, Renjun, Mark asleep in the mulch, and Donghyuck swinging on the swing slowly while scrolling through Twitter.

Jeno huffed and released Jaemin from his grip, the boy falling but making no noise as his feet hit the ground. The honey haired sighed and ran fingers through his hair, not like it would matter much if his hair was messed up.

Even though Jeno was extremely confused and concerned with the sight in front of him, he cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Jeno!" Donghyuck yelled and jumped off the swing in a flash, running to the other and passing right through Jaemin which made the younger boy almost faint. Jeno saw this and gave a wavering smile to Jaemin who was very disturbed. "What happened? What's wrong? Where did you go?? What's going on? Where's Jaem-?"

"Jeno?" Mark said groggily, getting up from the ground which covered him head to toe in wooden mulch. Renjun and the cat also walked over, both with curious eyes if that was even possible to see in a cat. "Jeno!" the middle aged man also sprinted up to Jeno and grabbed his shoulder roughly which frankly scared the crap out of the black haired boy.

"Okay who the hell are you?" Jeno asked and the man backed off with eyes wide, then looking down at himself and sighing in realization. The tall man slowly morphed downwards and into a shorter male with familiar green hair.

"Sorry about that," Chenle rubbed his nape, but then after a few seconds of silence, everyone bombarded Jeno with questions. Even Renjun who knew all of this already was still confused as to why Jeno wanted to meet and away from the hospital at that.

Jeno could feel the small cold hands of Jaemin's on his back as he slowly stepped back, raising his own hands to try and calm everyone down. Too many questions were thrown at once.

"Why are we here?"

"Where's Jaemin??"

"Why do you look like you've been crying?"

"Where did you go?"


"Guys!" Jeno cut in and huffed out, shutting everyone up finally as they looked at the boy with expectant eyes. Jeno looked down at the cat and was a bit surprised Jaemin's own brother didn't know of his state, but then again he can't really speak cat so maybe he did.

"Okay, listen... this is really hard to take in so let's all try to calm down first."

The others nodded and watched as Jeno walked towards one of those spinning things on the playground that could sit multiple people. They followed behind soon after and all took seats, waiting for Jeno to explain.

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