✨🌸 Chapter 55 🌸✨

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"We've been looking for hours in the horror section. How can we even be sure the things we find are real?" Donghyuck grumbled and kicked a random book on the ground. He gazed tiredly at everyone else, noticing Mark on the ground in a pile of books, eyes slowly fluttering closed every now and then.

Renjun was searching through a book of "true ghost stories of Korea" very intently and not even acknowledging the complaining boy. And the orange haired one? Who knows where he went.

"Maybe they already got Jaemin back inside, who knows," the redhead added on, squatting to the ground and mindlessly shoving books around.

"This is serious, Donghyuck. We need to find a way," Mark looked up and pushed the glasses on his nose, something the redhead didn't know the blonde needed. Even the glasses he wore when they first met were fake, but guess the older genuinely needs them.

The boy sighed and frowned. "I know... but it's already been two hours and I want to see Jaemin. I don't like not knowing what's going on."

Mark gave a small smile to the younger and sat up to grab his wrist, then dragging the other down with him as he handed a book about voodoo over. "Just hang in there. If anything happens, you know Jeno would text us," the blonde said and ruffled his hair, then reaching for a book of his own.

Donghyuck sighed and opened the cover. "Alright. I just hope they're doing okay."


Jeno watched for the nth time as Jaemin tried falling back into his body, only to have his spirit spat back out like a sour piece of candy. Chenle and Jisung looked to the oldest for any confirmation, but the dark haired could only sigh as he shook his head no.

"What else could we try? We have to wait for the research squad to return," Chenle groaned loudly and collapsed in one of the hospital seats. Jisung could only stare blankly at the ground, probably wishing that all of this was just some bad nightmare.

The ghost of Jaemin frowned towards Jeno, causing the other to lock eyes with him as he stalked over carefully. He reached a hand downward, waiting for the cold palm to meet his as he lifted the weightless body from the floor. Jaemin ruffled his honey hair, feeling his heart drop as he stared at his brother and Chenle.

Jeno could only rub comforting circles onto the ghostly figure's back, eyes and mind distant as he thought back to the past. All those silly moments he and Jaemin had seemed like such a big significance, like when Chenle pretended to be Jaemin, or when he was cornered by Jaemin at the beach house. They all kept crawling back in his mind during the day today.

Maybe it was because he wished that those could be his only problems again, or maybe it's because the way everyone he cares for only have frowns on their faces. Back then, despite the small struggles, everyone was a lot happier. He'd trade anything for those times again.

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