✨🌸 Chapter 7 🌸✨

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Jeno let out a soft sigh and took the phone away from his ear, looking at the call screen and pressing the end button.

A small smile kept itself on his face as he watched Jaemin's contact info disappear from his screen. Guess the younger was an early bird since he couldn't stay up and it's not even 10 yet.

He then turned off his phone and looked over at Mark who was now giving him a creepy smirk.

Jeno narrowed his eyes at him in confusion. "What?"

Mark shrugged and grabbed a random candy bar from thin air and began eating it.

"I saw that smile," Mark finally said with chocolate somehow all over his face already.

Jeno rolled his eyes and unpaused the TV that was now playing Beautiful Bones.

"I just found it funny, nothing more," Jeno said in defense, trying to ignore his friend.

"You found it cute."


"Jeno, I can read minds."

Jeno scoffed and turned the volume up to avoid the other's statement.

"Screw you and your mind reading."

"Whatevs, but don't try to anime your way out of this one."

Jeno just shrugged and tried to focus his attention back on the TV, but it was a little hard since something kept bugging his mind all of a sudden.

Dang, he did find it cute and didn't even fricken realize until Mark said it himself.

Come to think of it, the younger was pretty cute overall. Going to bed at reasonable and early times, working at a flower shop for a living, needing someone to drive him somewhere, his soft looking hair and eyes that always seemed to glow when they saw each other. Everything just screamed cute.

Jeno then slapped himself and really tried hard to focus on the anime. They're just friends and not to mention that they met each other literally two days ago. He can't be looking this much into a person when he barely knows them yet.

Mark just sat there trying to hold back his laugh like the noob he is, knowing everything the older was thinking.


A day passed without Jeno and Jaemin seeing each other. Jeno was busy hanging out with Mark all day and Jaemin was stuck at the usual place, his flower shop.

Since they were going to be at a wedding and all, Jeno and Mark went on what Mark calls "shopping day" in order to find nice tuxedos to wear to the wedding. Jaemin had called Jeno earlier that morning, honestly waking the older up from his slumber even though it was 11am, and explained the theme of colors to the dark haired boy.

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