✨🌸 Chapter 19 🌸✨

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Jeno clenched the sub in his hand as he strolled along the sidewalks with a content feeling.

He took another bite of the sandwich, loving the flavor of it with every bud on his tongue screaming in joy. That's why he loves S*bway so much, because you can create the perfect masterpiece.

Crowds of people passed his vision as they talked amongst themselves, not really noticing the boy holding a huge sandwich in his hands.

The only problem was the loads of sauce he asked for, now spilling on his palm more and more with every bite. The dark haired boy decided it would be good to just sit somewhere before he drowns in mayo.

He sat himself on a bench that was close in proximity to the park. His eyes smiled a bit at the memory of last night, continuing to wipe the mayo of his hand with a napkin.

It didn't really catch Jeno's attention when a figure walked out of the park, his eyes too focused on the next huge bite of the sandwich he was going to take.

The sandwich was half way in his mouth before he heard someone say something.


The dark haired male took the bite in his mouth and looked up with curious eyes, only to find none other than Jisung standing in front of him.


The younger just laughed at Jeno for being a slob, but he decided to wait a moment for Jeno to swallow his food.

"What are you doing here?" The older said feeling the large amount of food go down his throat.

Jisung's eyes went wide and his ears tilted backwards. "Oh you know... parking around the park?"

Jeno gave a questioning look to the younger but thought it wasn't a good idea to pry any more info.

After the younger shook off the thoughts he then turned to Jeno and raised a hand. Jeno laughed at his actions but pointed to him in order to let him ask a question.

"How come you're not with Jaemin?"

Jeno raised an eyebrow at Jisung and thought for a moment. Was he supposed to be meeting up with him right now or something?

The younger saw his confused look and elaborated a bit. "Jaemin said he was going to invite you to the shop today."

The dark haired boy made an 'o' with his mouth before whipping out his phone as fast as lightning. He saw that his notification screen was completely empty and a frown slowly made its way onto his face.

"Guess he changed his mind-"

But his phone dinged and interrupted Jeno's train of thought, his head snapping down to the screen of his phone to see a text message.

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