✨🌸 Chapter 24 🌸✨

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The room became brighter and brighter as the sun began to rise, starting to become annoying to the dark haired boy that was trying his best to keep his eyes shut.

The blankets felt so warm and soft as he couldn't help but melt into the feeling, never wanting to get up for the rest of his life.

Something soft was tickling his nose as he breathed in and out, making the comforting setting even more relaxing. He couldn't really explain it, but the warmth seemed to be coming from more than the comforter, almost feeling like it was an object that was radiating all this warmth.

He was too tired to open his eyes, so he just gave into whatever the warmth was, wrapping his arms around it tighter as he snuggled in closer.

A soft noise was heard as he pulled it closer, but it wasn't coming from himself which was a little strange. Jeno's eyebrows scrunched a bit as the fact became confusing the more he rolled it over in his mind.

Eventually, his eyes managed to crack themselves open, the light being a tad bit too blinding for a second, but he nonetheless was finally able to see. Sorta.

There was a lot of hair in his vision which made him flinch a bit, softly lifting a hand and brushing it with gentleness. He blinked slowly a few times while taking in the sight.

A soft looking Jaemin lied right in front of him, his forehead gently resting on the bridge of his nose as their faces were merely inches apart. He felt an arm around him holding him tight, slightly pulling as the younger nuzzled onto his nose.

Jeno felt his heart stop for a second, eyes widening at the realization. It was Jaemin that was so warm, the object that he was now holding very close.

He panicked for a second as his heart sped up by a mile, not knowing how on earth he even got here. Wasn't he on the top bunk anyway?

Slowly, Jeno slightly pushed himself away so that Jaemin's forehead was no longer touching, but only enough so that the younger could still hold onto him. His cheeks were so unbelievably flushed now that he wouldn't be surprised if it became permanent.

Not to mention how cute Jaemin looked right now. Holding onto Jeno like a teddy bear as soft snores left his mouth was doing weird things to the older's heart, almost making him want to give the younger a tight hug and bust all his uwus.

His eyes then landed on Jaemin's lips again, being slightly more swollen because the boy was asleep. Jeno gulped as he stared, flashing back to the car ride where he contemplated on what those lips would feel like.

Jeno quickly whacked himself mentally for thinking such things while Jaemin was asleep. There was no way he'd do that, especially when the younger is sleeping peacefully.

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