✨🌸 Chapter 20 🌸✨

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"I'm getting annoyed by this," Jaehyun said after Jaemin had explained everything that happened at work today.

Jaemin just gave him a questioning look as the older huffed while shaking his head. "This is taking way too long."

"What is?"

Jaehyun looked to the younger with that annoyed face of his, really not getting how the younger isn't figuring this out yet.

"No offense, but even your actions know more than your thoughts."

Jaemin crossed his arms and felt attacked, even if he still didn't really know what his roommate was talking about. "Stop making me sound stupid. But what are you getting at?"

Jaehyun now fully turned to the younger, giving him a serious face as he folded his hands together.

"Jaemin, I know this might be something hard to take in, so I want you to think about it. Think about your feelings towards Jeno."

Jaemin's eyes widened as he felt his heart speed up at just the mention of Jeno and feelings. He remembers the weird feeling he feels around the older even if it's just mentioned. Was he broken or something?


Jaehyun gave a soft smile when he saw how distant the younger got suddenly. "Just promise me you will. I don't think you will regret it."

Jaemin just nodded and bit his lip. A sinking feeling set in his bones as he slumped while thinking. His mind pondered the same question over and over, but the thought still seemed to be clouded with fog as the eyes of his heart couldn't make out the answer.

What does he feel towards Jeno?


The day had just begun, but already Jaemin was regretting his whole life choices. It was even colder this morning and there was no sun in sight, making it feel really gloomy and depressing.

The light haired boy shivered slightly from the lack of a heater in the shop, something he would have to pay his hard earned cash on shortly. Or he supposed he could come with ten blankets as well as 50 sweaters on.

He folded his arms and hunched in his desk chair, watching as the windows began to drip from rain that was slowly coming down. On days like today, he should really be home binging anime or reading books because books are life.

The thoughts of yesterday as a whole filled his mind to the brim. I mean, what do you expect? Poor Jaemin is stuck all by himself in the flower shop with no company. So instead he just thought about what Jaehyun had said to him.

Was he being too blind to notice something right in front of his face?

Or are these just feelings of a friend?

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