chapitre un.

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hyunjin was laying on his couch, watching a uninteresting channel, cause there wasn't anything else to watch, to be honest.

the sound of the rain hitting the roof, and the window was distracting him from listening to the lame police movie that was playing. anyway, he had put a low volume, and was intentionally listening to the rain.

it was calming.

hyunjin liked the rain a lot. his parents hated the rain. well, he didn't care, cause he didn't like his parents, anyway.

suddenly, a loud sound was heard, forcing hyunjin's ears to focus on it. it seemed close from his house. what was that sound ?

it was heard again. something falling. then someone screamed. it was a masculine voice.

raising an eyebrow, hyunjin got up, and rushed to his window. he was glad the lights were turned off, so whatever was outside couldn't see him.

he saw a figure getting up, near a bunch of tree. from where he was, he couldn't see well, since the place wasn't lit.

then a movement on a floor. frowning, he tried to perceive anything. it was someone else. they were crawling back, obviously trying to run from the standing person.

hyunjin thought that it was a weird scene. since there was a sound of something falling, and a scream, he assumed they fell from the tree. but that was rather unbelievable.

when they got far enough from the tree, a nearby, not well-working, streetlight shone on them.

the standing person was a man. he had long, black hair, and was wearing a long coat. he was holding something, like a cane.

hyunjin couldn't tell the second person's age, since he gave him his back, but he could tell it was a boy, younger than the other.

then the man lifted his head, and looked toward hyunjin house. the latter had just time to crouch down, to avoid being seen.

"someone's there." he heard him said.

"no shit, this is a neighborhood." the younger snapped, with a surprising soft voice.

"don't act smart with me, you insignificant piece of shit. remember the position you're in. it'd be legal for me to take your life, right fucking now."

what had hyunjin just heard ? someone was about to be killed right outside his house ?

he widened his eyes at this thought. what would the police think ? he would obviously be a suspect. he didn't want to be involved in anything, he just wanted a quiet life.

"i know damn well this is a neighborhood. but someone is watching us —or should i say spying us."

"with all the noise we made, obviously someone would come to see what it was."

"shut up !" the man yelled, causing hyunjin to flinch. "i'm trying hard not to kill you right now."

"really ? who could tell ?"

hyunjin didn't hear anything, after that, so he dared to kneel again, and look out. only his forehead and his eyes would be visible, from the outside.

the man's back was now toward him, while the boy was facing him. the latter looked his way, and seemed to freeze. hyunjin knew, at this moment, that he had seen him.

he was scared, but couldn't move. he was too afraid that the slightest movement would cause them to attack him.

but thank God, he didn't do anything, and looked at the man again.

"don't you dare come back to the castle."

and without any other words, he vanished. yes, he vanished, he really did ! He just disappeared, like smoke.

hyunjin's eyes widened. how could that be possible ? was he dreaming ?

he wanted to pinch himself, but saw the boy falling forward. did he faint ? yes, he did.

without thinking too much about it, hyunjin rushed out, and carried the boy bridal style, into his own house.

how could he do that ? he didn't know, but this boy looked like he needed help, and hyunjin knew what he had to do.

he laid him on the couch he was previously laying on, and turned the lights on. he almost screamed at the sight, as he hadn't paid too much attention at him, while carrying him.

this boy, who now seemed his age, or maybe younger, had a knife in his left shoulder, near his chest. he had countless of cuts throughout his body, blood was dripping from his busted lip, and his had a black eye. his clothes were ripped, revealing a kind of hole in his stomach.

what in all hells happened to this boy ?

hyunjin rushed to heal him, doing his best. he was glad, now, that he took first aid classes.


hey guys 🙈

this is the first hyunin/hyunjeong fanfic i post, and i was kinda reluctant to do so akdksk.

i'd like to apologize for any mistake ; since english isn't my first language, there could be some.

also i hope you'll like it.
보라. 💜

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