The Wakeup

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The door opens and Christen Press walks over to the bed, dumping a large bowl of cold water on the sleeping body in the bed.


"What the fuck Press? Why would you do that?"

"Get up and get showered now! I'll be in the kitchen making coffee, your agent is here."

Kelley O'Hara rolls out of her now soaking wet bed and regrets the movements immediately as her head feels like a jackhammer is cracking away at her skull. She looks on her nightstand and is thankful at the moment, that her very hangover ass had the foresight to put a bottle of water and Advil there sometime in the past. Opening the water bottle, she downs a big gulp before adding a couple of pills in and swallowing them. She strips off her wet clothes and reluctantly makes her way towards the bathroom and shower. Stepping out she wipes the steam off the mirror and gets a look at her current state. "I look like crap."

"Yeah, you do, here drink this and get dressed Jeff is waiting." Christen hands her a hot cup of freshly made coffee.

"Thanks, Press. Shit, that's not good if Jeff flew from LA to here."

"You're in some serious shit after last nights escapades. There are pictures all over the internet of you partying and being arrested."

"My mom is going to kill me Press."

"I wouldn't be concerned about your Mom's reaction, so much as everyone else's right now." Christen leaves the room.

Kelley drinks the coffee while getting herself dressed and then makes her way out to the living room of her and her fellow Utah Royal's player shared apartment. She finds her agent Jeff sitting on the couch typing away on his phone while drinking a coffee. She looks towards Christen and nods a silent thank you.

"Morning Jeff, what brings you here?"

"Cut the crap O'Hara, we both know why I'm here. Congratulations, you made the front page."

Jeff throws a tabloid towards Kelley, who tries to catch it but fails miserably. The quick movement causing her head to pound even harder and a wave of nauseous to rush through her.

"Sit down before you throw up all over the place."

Kelley sits down on the couch while Christen observes from her spot at their little breakfast bar.

"This is the last time you hear me the absolute last time, clean up your act or else!"

"Or else what?"

"Your sponsors are pulling their deals and the Royal will terminate your contract which I'm sure will be followed by the US team terminating theirs as well."

Kelley laughs, "I'm the face of women's soccer, they aren't going to terminate me or my contract."

"You were the face of women's soccer, with your partying, sleeping around and arrest, Alex Morgan with her clean-cut family image is the one they want now. No one wants to back a player who is single and has a bad reputation. Millions of little girl's and probably some boys as well used to look up to you and want to be the next Kelley O'Hara, now all they see is a fallen star, so stuck in her own inflated ego she has lost her grip on reality."

"Just fix it, like you always do, that's what I pay you for."

"It's beyond fixing at this point, I'm sorry Kelley but I'm dropping you as a client, effective immediately. I hope you get the help you need before it's too late." Jeff stands up and walks towards the door, stopping to thank Christen for the coffee before leaving.

Kelley starts crying when the true realization of what just happened hits her. Christen comes over and wraps her in her arms, "What do I do now Press?"

"We need to find you a new agent and then start working on your image, but I think your first move should be to join me at an A.A. meeting tonight. You need to stop the drinking and partying Kel, last night was the first and only time I will ever bail you out of jail. You need to sober up!"

"Okay, I'm willing to try for you."

"Don't try for me, try for you." 

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