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3 Days Later ....

Penny and Kelley are getting ready to ready to head to Jane's memorial service.

Penny takes Kelley's hand and leads her over to the bed, "I need to tell you something about my family, it's difficult for me to talk about," Kelley squeezes her hand in support. "We've talked about how my Dad's family is all in England and that's why you haven't met anyone yet. My Mom's family is here in California and they will be coming to the service today or I think they will come. The thing is, growing up I was always really close to my Grandparents, Aunt, Uncle and cousins but that all changed when I came out. My Grandparents are very religious and when my Mom told them I was gay, they suggested I be put out of the house and disowned until I found a good man to marry and have children with. My Mom went against her family for me and they haven't talked to any of us since."

"If it's possible I think I love your Mom even more right now."

"Kel, if they decide to show up today can you just say you are a friend of the family if asked; I know it's a lot to ask of you, but I don't think I will be able to handle any drama today."

"For you, I will do anything including being just a friend for today. I hope you know that I will not hold back if anything is said about you or your family though." Penny smiles and looks at her, "I wouldn't expect you too."

They stand and hug each other, then exchange a gentle kiss, "I'll be close by if you need me as will Erin and my parents." "Thank you."

Leaving the bedroom, they see Ellie struggling to adjust George's tie for him, "Hold still." She puts down his collar and brushes off his shoulders, "There, handsome as ever." "This was your Mum's favourite tie. I miss her Eleanor." "I know Dad, me too."

Kelley squeezes Penny's arm and kisses her on the cheek, "I'll see you there. I need to go pick up my family at the hotel. I love you and I'm here for you."

"I love you too Kel, I'll see you soon."

Kelley picks up Erin and her parents at the hotel and fills them in on the family divide so they don't think anything is up if Kelley and Penny aren't glued to each other's side as they drive to the service.

"I can't believe there are still people out there who are so narrowminded that would turn their back on family-based on who they are attracted to or love."

"Unfortunately, there is and probably always will be. It's just sad to think that Penny has lost half her family because of it."

"Yeah, but she is part of the O'Hara clan now, and will always be."

"Just remember for today, we are all friends of the family, ok?"

They arrive at the service and make their way inside. Kelley watches Penny from across the room and can tell the exact moment they walk in the door. An older woman presumably her Grandmother, a slightly younger woman and man and then 2 girls who look to be in their early twenties. Kelley notices Ellie grabs Penny's hand and holds her in place. They walk over and shake George, Penny and Ellie's hands before taking their seats at the front of the small hall.

As the rest of the people start to take their seats for the service, Kelley has had enough watching her wife from afar and sits down beside her and reaches for her hand. Penny squeezes it and looks at her before turning to face the front as the minister begins to speak.

Kelley looks around and over at Penny's extended family; she notices the two girls looking back at her as well before looking down.

After a lot of talking and speeches from those who knew Jane, the service is over and people begin to exit. Kelley heads out and waits with her family for Penny, Ellie and George to come out.

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