Our Family

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It's late at night in London and Penny lays in her bed fighting to stay awake for the promised call from her wife. She finally succumbs to the need for sleep and once out cold her phone buzzes with a message from Kelley

New Message

Kelley: Hey beautiful, I'm sorry I didn't call as promised. I got caught up in helping your Dad pack and move stuff to the storage unit. We didn't stop until a short time ago to have something to eat. I'm assuming you are asleep now, sweet dreams Pen, love you xoxo

Kelley takes a seat beside George on the couch, "Thank you for your help today, Kelley."

"You're welcome. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted. I'm going to grab a quick shower and curl up. We should be able to finish up in the morning."

"Have a good evening Kelley and thank you again for helping this old man pack up."

"You're still pretty handsome for being an old guy, any thoughts about putting yourself back out there?"

"Jane made me promise before she passed that I allow myself to love again. I'm not ready yet, but maybe someday. Goodnight Kelley."

Kelley stands up to hug her father in law, "Goodnight."

The next day Kelley helps with finishing the packing up of Penny and Ellie's childhood home. They transfer the larger items into a nearby storage unit until her wife and sister in law are able to return to Cali and determine what they would like to keep. Kelley tapes up the box of belongings that Penny requested she brings to Salt Lake with her on her return flight.

Once everything is taken care of, she packs up her suitcase and says goodbye to George before climbing in her rental and making the drive to stay with Alex and Servando for a few days before US camp. The American team is holding a short training camp in California, prior to NWSL camps opening, so Kelley made the decision to fly out a bit early and help George with the packing and enjoy some water time with Janice.

She pulls up to Alex's place just in time for supper. Knocking on the door she is once again met by a barking Blue. Servando opens the door and hugs her before moving aside to let her come in. Kelley offers Blue the obligatory pets on the head and back before the dog grows tires of the attention and returns to the couch.

"Where's Al?"

"She just went to the store to pick up something, shouldn't be too long. Beer?" He reaches in the fridge and pulls out two bottles, before stopping and putting one back.

Kelley notices his eyes go big, "Crap, I'm sorry, KO. What would you like to drink?"

"Water is good Serv, thanks and don't worry about it."

He grabs a bottle from the fridge and tosses it her way before they sit on the couch and catch up to the game on the screen.

Kelley's phone buzzes and she looks at the screen

New Message

Penny: Hey Babe, we seem to be playing phone tag the last few days. I just got to the hotel and heading to bed, but I wanted to let you know that I love you and I will call you after our game tomorrow. Thank you for helping my Dad out, I'm sure it hasn't been easy on him getting the house ready to list.

Kelley: Love you too beautiful, have a good sleep. I'm at Alex's for the next few days and then camp. I miss you.

Penny: I miss you so much, give my best to Alex. Talk tomorrow. Night Kel.

Kelley: Sweet dreams.

Servando looks over at her, "The wife?" Kelley nods, "We keep messing up our calls because of the stupid time difference."

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