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Knock, knock

Kelley answers the door, pays and returns with a bag in her hands.

"Foods here."

"Be right out."

Kelley grabs a spot on the couch before opening the bag and pulling out the Styrofoam container with her supper in it and starts eating.

"Thanks for waiting for me."

"I'm hungry and it always takes forever for you to get off the phone with Tobs."

Christen nods in agreement and starts eating her meal.

"Okay, so we've eaten, we have drinks on hand, phones put on silent and Kleenex nearby, I think it's time we talk."

"What do you want to know?"


"You know most of my story Kel, we've been friends for a long time."

"I do, but I want to hear it in your own words. You share your story and then I'll share mine. I had a lot of time when I was away to sort through things and identify points that triggered my behaviour and I want us to come clean with each other; I think it will benefit us both in the long run if we have a better understanding of things."

"It's so weird actually having an in-depth conversation with you Kel; we really haven't done it since Stanford and I think even then we were drinking."

"Yeah, we did a lot of that back then, I'm honestly surprised I managed to finish my degree."

"Your drive to succeed is unparalleled Kel, even back then once you set your mind on something, you did it. You made up your mind that you play for the US team and eventually in the NWSL and you made it. You're one of the strongest people I know Kel and I'm so glad to have my friend back."

"And I'm going to need those Kleenex right about now."

"You and me both." Kelley moves closer to Christen and hugs her. "I love you, you know that right?" "I do, I love you too; even though I don't like you somedays."

"I can only imagine how difficult it has been on you having to deal with my bullshit on top of trying to keep yourself going and clean."

"It's been hard, but those days are over now."

"They are."

"Okay, so you want to know my story, here goes... You know I have always struggled with my confidence, feelings of self-worth, and accepting I was gay," Kelley nods "Well, they all played a huge part in my downfall. I would have success on the field and then find myself on the bench or not apart of the team at all. I've always bounced around like a yo-yo when it comes to the US team and it killed my confidence, I went to Europe to find my game and came back better than ever only to have to deal with the same stuff all over again. Chicago was a great city to play in but the coaches were always intent on me playing their game, rather than my own, I lost my creativity and drive, I was so happy to find out I would be joining you here it's been such a great thing for me personally and professionally.

I struggled in school when I came to the realization, I was indeed gay and attracted to women and I hid it from my family for years. They all tried to set me up with respectable guys and I went along with it for a while to appease them, but finally, I had enough with it all and came out to them. They turned their backs on me Kel, saying that it was against God's plan for me. Even my sisters were forbidden from talking to me. It all became too much to handle and I turned to drinking as a way to numb the pain I was feeling.

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