Seeking Help

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Christen pulls the car to a stop outside a church and turns it off, "We're here, the meeting starts in 10 minutes, and I need to help set up chairs." Christen gets out of the car and looks over at the passenger seat where Kelley has yet to move, "I'm going in, I'm not going to force you to follow me; you have to make the decision for yourself. I really hope that I will see you in there though." Christen shuts the car door and Kelley watches as she walks into the building.

Kelley sits in the car her heartbeat going a million miles a minute. She looks at her phone and scrolls through the pictures, seeing happier times with her teammates and friends and then a few where she is clearly out of her mind from the influence of alcohol. She takes some deep breaths and looks in the side-view mirror, "I need to do this," she thinks as she opens the door and gets out of the car. She watches on as several people make their way into the building, talking with each other. She closes her eyes and takes a few more deep breaths before opening them and making the walk towards and into the building. Following the arrow on the sign, she finds herself in a small room with chairs and sees Christen talking with an older gentleman.

"First time?" Kelley hears a voice ask. She turns and sees a woman close to her age. "That noticeable huh?" "Your slightly green complexion gave you away." Kelley nervously laughs. "We've all been there, the important thing is that you are here. It gets easier I promise." "Thank you, I'm Kelley." "I know who you are and I'm glad you are here. The meeting is about to start we should grab our seats." The woman walks away and takes a seat in the front row. Kelley searches around for Christen and finds she has an empty seat beside her. Kelley sits down and Christen reaches over and grabs her hand, "I'm proud of you Kel."

Kelley listens on intently while the speakers talk and different members of the group come forward and tell their stories. Christen lets go of her hand and makes her way up to the front, "My name is Christen and I'm an alcoholic, I haven't had a drink in 9 months." Upon hearing those words spoken by her friend, Kelley had her own realization as to how far she had fallen and how blind she had become to everyone around her including her best friend. Locking eyes with Christen, she feels tears roll out of her eyes and down her cheeks.

The meeting nears it ending and the leaders call out milestones for individuals to come up and collect coins indicating sobriety. They start with larger amounts and work their way down, finally, they get to the last one, "Is there anyone here celebrating one day of sobriety?" Christen nudges Kelley and indicates for her to go up and accept a coin which she does. Holding it in her hand, she realizes that all of the awards and accolades she has received in her career mean nothing compared to it.

On the ride home, Kelley ponders everything running through her brain. "Chris, I need help, I don't want to be this person anymore." Christen smiles but doesn't respond to admission.

Over the next several weeks Christen helps Kelley to get in contact with support services and a sponsor. Kelley continues to attend meetings with Christen and even goes to some on her own. She collects a one month coin and makes a decision about her future.

"Are you sure about this Kel?" Christen asks as they pull up to Rio Tinto Stadium. "I am." "I'll be with you every step of the way." "I know you will be, you have always had my back and I never realized it, thank you for that." The women hug and walk into the stadium together for Kelley's meeting with the management and coaching staff of the Royals.

Laura Harvey the coach of the Utah Royals is unhappy about being called in for a meeting with her problem player on an off day that she had made plans to spend with her family. "What is so important that we couldn't have waited until Tuesday for this meeting?"

"I'm sorry for bringing you all in on an off day, but I have something important that I need to discuss with everyone."

"Well, we know you didn't knock anyone up and you haven't been in the headlines for a week at least, so it can't be that important," a voice says in the background.

"This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, so please just listen to what I am going to say and save your comments until I'm done."

Kelley looks around the room and with Christen there to support her she begins to speak.

"I'm going to keep this as short as possible. I would like the organization's permission to leave the team and enter an addiction treatment centre."

"About time you got your shit together O'Hara, I have no objection to you leaving the team. Take as much time as you need, your spot on the roster will be there when you return."

"Thank you, Coach."

With the details of her departure from the team finalized Kelley is at home packing her belongings before flying to California for treatment.

"It's not going to be the same without you around here."

"I'm going to miss you Pressy, but you are going to come and visit me right?"

"Of course I will and I'm sure some of the others will as well. We are proud of you Kel, the team and your teammates are behind you."

Kelley hugs Christen, "See you in 90 days or less Pressy, don't have too much fun without me!" before getting in the car to take her to the airport. "Love you KO," "Love you too, kick some ass for me." "I will."

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