It's A Start

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A few days later and Penny and Kelley pack up to fly to Atlanta to spend New Year's with Kelley's family and some friends. Penny has never really celebrated the occasion as to her it's just another day, but apparently, Kelley is big on the day. She wonders if her wife has realized yet, the true implications of her being sober on an occasion known for wild parties and heavy drinking.

Penny feels guilty leaving her father and Ellie, but Ellie has promised her, she will stay with him while she is gone and call or message if they are any issues.

"Hey Babe, I just got confirmation from my travel agent about our trip. We have an 8-hour layover in Qatar. Is there anything we can do to kill time there? I know you've been with the Lionesses before."

"Don't worry, there's plenty to do there; but I need to warn you to keep the PDA to an absolute minimum while we're there."

"Noted. Have you heard back from Man City yet?"

"Not yet, but I don't expect to hear anything from them until after the holidays. According to their website they already have 3 keepers on the roster, so I'm not sure if there is a place for me there; I sent a message to United as well as a couple of other teams."

"I seem to recall a conversation with you before where you said something about never playing for United."

"I don't have a team or contract at the moment, so I'm looking at all options."

"Hopefully, Steph knows something about the team that we don't and you hear back from them soon. We need to step up your training and get you back into game shape."

"Kel, I'm pretty certain after working out with you for the last while I'm in better shape than I've ever been; you don't take many days off."

"I didn't get this body by taking days off babe and I know how much you like my abs."

"Among other things." Penny kisses her on the cheek, before carrying her bag out the door. Kelley watches her walk out and smiles, damn, that woman she thinks before grabbing her own bag and heading out to join her in the living room.

Arriving back at Kelley's apartment in Atlanta later on in the day, Kelley stops Penny before she can enter, and puts down the bags. "Really Kel?" "Just do it!" "What are we a Nike commercial now?" "No, I'm an Under Armour girl, now will you please jump up, so I can carry you across the threshold?" Penny laughs as allows herself to be carried through the open door and pulls Kelley in for a deep kiss before letting go and dropping to the floor. "You're such a guy sometimes." "Admit it, you think it's sexy when I go all Daddy on you." "If you're nice I'll let you be Daddy all night." "Are you?" "Yeah, all clear." "Finally! I really wish our cycles would sync." "I think that's just a myth Kel." "Maybe, guess we'll see." Kelley picks up their bags and takes them back to the bedroom.

"Pen, I just realized we have minimal food options available to us right now. How about I head to the store and pick us up some stuff to get us through. You can just chill out and talk to Petey while I'm gone."

"Who the heck is Petey?"

Kelley laughs, and points at her slightly droopy plant, "That's Petey, he would probably appreciate a drink from the looks of it."

"Okay, I'll water Petey and then I'm going in search of the ugly sweater collection you apparently have."

"Closet back corner. Be back soon, love you wifey." Kelley grabs her car keys and heads out the door.

Penny heads over and grabs a glass from the cupboard filling it up with water before heading over to "Petey" and watering him. She pours the liquid in, "Is that better Petey?" no response "Oh my god, I'm talking to a plant and expecting it to answer." Penny shakes her head and laughs as she returns the cup to the kitchen and heads to the bedroom and closet.

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