It Was Your Smile

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With Kelley having worked hard to get back into game shape, she is rewarded with the start in Portland, however, Penny is on the bench for this one.

Both teams have plenty of opportunities but neither are able to find the netting and the game ends in a scoreless draw.

After the game, the players' exchange pleasantries and Kelley and her USWNT compatriots agree to meet up for supper.

Kelley doesn't want to leave Penny on her own at the hotel, so she asks their teammate Rachel Corsie to invite her out; knowing that Penny isn't the most outgoing person and won't do it herself. Once she receives confirmation from Corsie that Penny has accepted the invite, she heads out with her crew.

She isn't expecting to be hit by the firing squad immediately after arriving at the restaurant.

"Okay, O'Hara we want the deets on you and Brown, so start spilling." Kelley looks on as Tobin Heath, Emily Sonnett, and Lindsay Horan all lock eyes across the table with her. Christen and Becky on either side of her are trying not to laugh at her reaction.

"What deets, I don't know what you are talking about."

Christen nudges her, "Alright, we are dating. Is that what you wanted to know?"

They nod their heads, "And?"

"And what Sonny?"

"Have you slept together yet?"

"Since when did you all become so interested in my personal life?"

"We've always been, it's just always been a revolving door until now, so we are curious what makes her different."

"She sees me for who I am and who I want to become, she doesn't judge me for my past and she encourages my future. Happy?"

The players notice the change in her body language as she speaks and it makes their smiles grow larger knowing that their friend and teammate has found someone that makes her happy.

"You still didn't answer my question, have you slept with the hottie keeper yet?"

"No Sonny, I haven't. If you must know as part of the treatment for my alcohol addiction, I also made a promise to myself to abstain from sex until I am emotionally ready. Now can we move on to a new topic not involving me please?"

Becky picking up on the tension switches the topic to the upcoming US games and what everyone is planning on doing on their off-time. Kelley listens on and thinks about Penny and how they can spend some of that time together. She manages to get through supper with them before excusing herself and catching a cab back to the hotel.

When she gets there, she heads straight to Penny's room and knocks on the door. The door opens and it's not Penny but her roommate for the trip Erika Tymrak.

"Hey, Tymer, is Penny not back yet?"

"Nah, you can wait here for her if you want, I was just going to go and hang with Tay for a bit."

"Sure, thanks."

Kelley lays down on the bed she knows is Penny's as the keeper is superstitious about having the one closest to the door and gets comfy. She closes her eyes and eventually falls asleep. She wakes up when there is noise in the room, but lays with her eyes closed and just listens to the conversation between Penny and Rachel.

"So, it's true about you and KO?"

"Yeah." Penny smiling and looking over at her on the bed.

"I'm sure your English mates aren't too happy with your choice. KO and some of the girls have a bit of history, you know."

"I've heard bits and pieces through the years, but I didn't know her then. We all have made choices in our past that we aren't proud of and Kelley is working hard to overcome hers."

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