Just Kiss Me

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"Kelley, there is something you should know. When I was home, I told my parents that I broke up with Emma and we were dating."

"Okay, I'm going to assume they are ok with it and us otherwise you probably wouldn't be telling me right?"

"My Mom was ecstatic, she wants to come to our season finale game and maybe to the SheBelieves tourney as well."

"That's fine, we can take your parents out for supper when they are here and the SheBelieves isn't for several months, so we can figure that out later. In the meantime, how about we get some groceries and I'll cook us supper."

"You cook?"

"I'm actually a pretty cook, a decent baker too, but I have a tendency to eat everything I bake which is bad."

Penny laughs at her.

"I have a major sweet tooth, it's a problem. I'm not the best at cooking, most of the time I relied on my roomies to do the cooking and I would do the cleaning."

"I hate cleaning."

"Let's go to the store, it's starting to get late and I'm hungry! What are you planning on making?"

"Being as though I don't have a ton of prep time, how about something simple like chicken and salad?"

"Sounds good to me."

"You weren't lying this chicken is really good."

"That's nothing you should try my veggie lasagna or eggplant parmesan. Alex is vegan and when she finds recipes she thinks I might like she sends them my way. I can't commit to being a full-on vegan, because I love meat too much, but I'm trying to cut back on it."

Penny gathers the empty dishes and carries them into the kitchen setting them on the counter. She starts running water to wash them and Kelley joins her grabbing a dishcloth, "You wash, I'll dry." "No, you cooked, I clean." "I can't just stand here and watch you do dishes." "I'll make you a deal, I'll put the Crown on and you can watch what you slept through." "Alright." Kelley reluctantly retakes her spot on the couch and watches the show while Penny does up the dishes.

"How exactly is this relationship of ours going to work? I mean we have training tomorrow are we going to let our teammates know we are dating or what?"

"I've had a few of them already question me if there is something going on between us, I told them we were just friends."

"I know most teams while they don't have a policy in place about players dating, they don't encourage it as it can mess up the chemistry of the team."

"I think we will be okay in that regard, our teammates are actually wanting us together and there are only two weeks left in the season and then you will be leaving soon after that for International duty, so we can't mess up too much."

"So, touching you, hugging you and holding your hand are all acceptable right?"

"Of course, I like your hugs and holding your hand."

"What about kissing or anything else?"

"Anything else? As in sex? Wow, Brown always knew you wanted in my pants."

"Shut it, you know what I mean though."

"I do and I wouldn't expect you to do anything you aren't comfortable with. Can I ask you something?"


"Can I kiss you right now?" Penny backs up "I mean eventually we are going to end up kissing and I don't want our first time to be in public or on-demand. I want it to be between us."

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