Thank you

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They soon arrive at the restaurant where Kelley's US teammates are waiting for her. Sitting in the car at the curb, Kelley really doesn't want to get out and leave Penny.

Penny reaches over and puts her hand on Kelley's squeezing it, "You know we could always just ditch them all and go back to our hotel room." Kelley laughs, "Who are you? And what have you done to my beautiful, introverted girlfriend?"

"Turned her into your slightly less introverted wife, who currently can't get enough of you."

"Don't change too much babe, you're perfect the way you are. We can play more tonight, I promise. Your girls are flying back, tomorrow right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I want Steph and us to have breakfast together. She is important to you, so I should spend a bit more time getting to know her."

"You already did when you were in England, Kel."

"True, but I seem to recall something happening while I was there that interrupted the flow of things."

"Okay, breakfast it is. Kel, go and enjoy your time with your girls. I love you."

"I love you too." Kelley turns towards her and kisses her cheek before finally getting out of the car and letting Penny head across town to meet up with her mates.

Kelley finds her friends sitting out back on the patio and joins them, "Where's Penny? Christen looks behind her expecting to see the keeper.

"She is having supper with the bunch from England. I thought it would be good for her to have some chill time with her friends before they head back home."

The waiter comes and they place their orders, returning shortly afterwards with their drink orders.

Kelley looks at her group of friends and can't help but think of how lucky she is to have them. She asks for them to stop talking so she can have the floor to address them. "We've been friends for a while now and been through a lot, you guys have all at one point or another had to clean up messes I've created; I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with and not giving up on me. I love you guys."

Alex smiles at Kelley, "You know worms, you're right you have created your fair share of messes, but they were in the past when you were lost. You are no longer that person, you are sober, and have found an amazing woman to spend the rest of your life with. It's going to take a bit of time to get used to the whole idea of you being married though. I'm happy for you and wish you and Penny only the best." Kelley reaches over and hugs Alex, "Thanks, Janice."

"Kel, we've been through a lot together, from our days of playing and partying at Stanford to now; I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly side of you. I'm not a violent person, but even you have managed to push my buttons to the extent that I wanted to hit or slap you before. I'm proud of you for asking for and getting help for your drinking problem and maintaining your sobriety; I know it isn't easy. Penny is awesome and I love her and I love the two of you together, I have never seen you as happy as you are when she is with you and vice versa, look after each other." Kelley stands up and hugs Christen, "Thanks Press."

The eyes turn to look at Tobin, "You guys know I'm not big on words. KO, you were a complete downer to be around the last few years; I'm glad to see you happy and I can't wait to have my surfing buddy back, I've missed you. Oh and congrats on marrying the hottie keeper." Kelley hugs Tobin, "Thanks Tobs and just an FYI she hates being called that."

"Now that we've gotten all the heavy stuff out of the way, what are you guys up to for the holidays?"

"Serv and I will be splitting time between our families and then in the new year we are planning to take a trip somewhere for a couple of weeks."

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