Romance Novel

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Waking up the next morning, Penny opens her eyes and finds Kelley smiling and watching her.

"Morning beautiful, how did you sleep?"

"Really well, but I don't think I'm quite ready to get up just yet."

"Me neither, so what should we do about it?"

Penny moves over to Kelley and puts her head on her chest, and wrapping her arm around her. Kelley follows that by wrapping her arms around her and kissing the top of her head.

"I could totally get used to this every morning."

"Move in with me Pen."


"I mean, I would really like it if you would move in with me in Salt Lake and Atlanta. I want to be able to spend all of my nights falling asleep with you beside me. I already spoke with Press and she is fine with it, provided we split the expenses, so, what do you think?"

"Yes, I'll move in with you Kelley."

"Good, now that that's settled, what are our plans for today?"

"I know today should be a day of recovery for you and they have an indoor pool. How about we get ourselves cleaned up, get something to eat and then enjoy some pool time. Maybe later we can head closer to town and do some exploring."

"I'm good with that plan, provided you join me in the shower."

"Can we at least brush our teeth first? Not really digging the taste in my mouth right now."

"You didn't seem to mind it last night."

"I'm not going to mind it tonight either, but right now I'm getting up and you should as well babe. We should probably answer the messages on our phones somewhere along the line as well." Penny gets out of the bed and walks towards the bathroom, turning back to look at Kelley, "Are you coming?" Kelley not missing the look on Penny's face as she says it, climbs out of the bed and joins her in the room.

After they have successfully managed to brush their teeth, have a little fun in the shower and then get dressed they make their way downstairs to one of two restaurants in the lobby area of the large castle.

Sitting down and looking around, it's like a trip back in time and Kelley is really digging the décor along with trying to figure out if they will allow her to try on the knight suit on display.

"This place is so awesome Pen."

"It was actually Ellie's idea for us to stay at a castle so in her words I could "Bed you."

Kelley laughs, "Remind me to thank your sister when we get back. Have to say that this totally surpassed any expectations I had about our first night together."

"Mine too. Have to say it was a bit out of my comfort zone to set everything up. I tried to make things like I would like them with the flowers, candles, dresses etc, I hope it was ok."

"It reminded me of a twist on a romance novel; rather than being wooed by a knight in shining armour or a prince, I was wooed by a gorgeous woman in a sexy black dress."

"Romance novel huh? Guess reading all of those Harlequins when I was younger finally came in handy."

"Do they even have lesbian Harlequin romance novels?"

"No clue, if you really want to know we can look into it when we get home."

After eating they head back up to their room to get changed into their bikinis, but as expected with the new freedom of being able to touch and taste each other it takes them a while to make it back downstairs. Once they finally make it, they are relieved that the pool area is pretty much empty, so they can do some exercises unimpeded before having a bit of fun in the water. They make sure to take a few pictures and post them, to let their friends and family know that they are alive, but don't bother responding to any of their messages or inquiries just yet.

Once they have had their fill of pool lounging they grab a quick bite for lunch, before heading back to the room to change for an afternoon outing. Walking out to the car, Penny laughs when Kelley get to the car before her, "Are you driving Kel or am I?" Kelley looks and realizes she is on the wrong side of the car, "Oops, my bad." Kelley runs to the other side of the car.

After driving a short time, they pull over and do some exploring of another nearby castle and its grounds, some castle ruins and a walled garden before heading into town at a place recommended by Rachel. They cut their meal short when Penny notices Kelley looking around at all the tables and pints of beer on them.

"C' mon, time to head back." Penny puts her hand out for Kelley to take and follow her out. Kelley is quiet during the drive back, something that Penny knows is a red flag when it comes to the defender, "Talk to me Kel, what are thinking about?" "Just realizing that I've still got a lot of work ahead to keep myself clean. I still crave the taste of a good beer."

"It's going to be okay Kel, I'm so proud of you for working towards overcoming your addiction. I'm with you every step of the way and will always be."

"Thank you, if it means having you in my life, there isn't a chance in hell that I'm going back to where I was before. I do think I need to start going back to attending meetings on a regular basis when we get home."

"Whatever you need to do Kel, I'm here for you."

"I'd love to know what a complete screwup like me did to deserve someone as amazing as you."

"You aren't a screwup Kel, you made mistakes in the past and are working on making sure they never happen again. As for the rest of that comment, I think you are pretty amazing too and I'm really glad that I ended up playing for the Royals with you. How about we go upstairs, get comfy in that big bed and watch a movie?"

"I'm good with that as long as getting comfy involves removing all clothes."

"Oh, it definitely does, stud." They both break out laughing at the comment.

"We should probably check in with our family and friends as well."

"I'm sure your teammates are all aware of your "kidnapping" by now."

"I really did think that Corsie was kidnapping me, we were driving in the dark out to the middle of nowhere."

"Because it made sense for you to get all dressed up before being kidnapped."

"Okay, when you put it that way, I guess I should have clued in sooner."

"Yep, for being a Stanford grad you aren't very smart."

"Says the woman who went to Cal State."

"I did, but I also have a Masters degree in Sports Management from Manchester Metro Uni."

"Wait, what? When did this happen?"

"I see my Wikipedia page isn't current. I actually finished it a couple of months before I came home."

"Wow, not gonna lie I'm kinda turned on by that."

"Kel, we've been sitting in the car for 10 minutes now, how about we go upstairs and get down to business."

They finally make it back to their room and the idea of watching a movie falls by the wayside as they are too busy getting to know and enjoy each other.

"I really don't want to leave this place."

"Me neither, but I promised your teammates I would return you to them in order to fly back to the States with them."

"Sucks, that you aren't going to be on the same flights."

"I tried but they were all booked. I'm going to stay at Steph's place tomorrow night and then deal with a million layovers to get back to Cali."

"I'm sure it won't be that bad."

"By the time I paid for our hotel and other expenses, I had to book the cheapest tickets I could find to get me home – It's going to be hell! I have to take two flights alone to get to London and then fly to Vancouver, Canada have a 6-hour layover there and then fly into LAX. Your flight is direct from Heathrow to LAX."

"Ouch, why didn't you tell me sooner, I would have helped you with a better flight."

"I know and I appreciate it, but I'll be fine; maybe I'll pick up a couple of Harlequins to read on the plane." 

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