Cute AF

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Kelley opens her eyes and the room is lit up with rays of sunshine. She reaches over to the nightstand for her phone and checks the time. Not wanting to wake Penny up she slowly lifts her arm and body away from her, before making her way to the bathroom to clean up and get changed.

She smiles when she returns seeing that Penny has now taken over the bed and is snuggling with her pillow. Kelley grabs her phone, airpods, sunglasses and shoes as she makes her way out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

Entering the living area, Penny's parents are already up and watching a show on the television.

"Good morning Kelley. How did you sleep?"

Kelley smiles at Penny's Mom Jane, "Good morning. I slept better than I have in several weeks. I'm going to head out for a short run; could you let her know where I am if she wakes up."

"Of course, dear, did you remember to put some sunscreen on?" Kelley shakes her head before making her way back to the bedroom to grab the tube out of her bag. Once she finishes putting it on, she sets out on her way.

As she takes in her surroundings, her phone starts ringing with a call from Alex. She hits the button to answer it as she continues with her run

"What's up Janice?"

"Why do you sound out of breath? Or do I want to know?"

"I'm out for a run, get your mind out of the gutter Morgan."

She hears Alex laugh, "I wanted to know if you would like to join Allie and me for lunch today, you can bring Penny along as well."

"I'm gonna take a hard pass on that, I don't need the two of you bombarding her with questions."

"I promise we will be good we just want to get to know her better."

"I'll let you know ok? she was sleeping when I left and I'm sure she won't be feeling the greatest when she wakes up."

"Ok, enjoy the rest of your run. Talk soon, bye Worms."

"Bye." Kelley hits the button to end the call and returns to her playlist. Feeling like she has run far enough in one direction, she turns around and heads back towards the house. Once she reaches the front yard, she makes sure to give the neighbours a show by stretching herself out, before heading in and grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen.

She feels arms wrap around her from behind, "Why didn't you wake me? I would have gone with you."

Kelley turns around and smiles, "You looked too peaceful to wake up and I figured you needed sleep more than exercise. Plus, you're a keeper, you can't keep up with me." Penny playfully smacks her. "Ow! I'm telling your Mom, you hit me."

"Her Mom is going to say you deserved it!" Jane makes her way into the kitchen area. "Now, that you are both up, would you girls like something to eat?" "Yes, but I probably should grab a shower first." "You definitely should, you smell like a combination of sweat and coconut," Penny says as she scrunches her nose. Kelley kisses her on the nose before heading off to have a shower.

Penny helps her Mom make breakfast for them and ensures the coffee is acceptable for drinking.

"I'm glad that you have found happiness Penelope; Kelley is a wonderful woman and she loves a lot. We had a good chat last night with her about everything. Did you know she is coming up on her 6 months sober this weekend?"

"I knew it was soon, but I didn't know exactly when; maybe I should plan a little something for her to celebrate."

"That sounds like a good idea, why not include her teammates in on it as well?"

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