Anger Management

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One week later and Kelley is on a flight back to Atlanta, while Penny remains in London for another two weeks. As much as Kelley didn't want to leave, she knew it was time to get back to reality and pick her training back up to get in shape for the two games she was hoping to play in for her own country.

Penny has already served her one-game suspension, paid her fine and enrolled in an anger management course as was dictated in the terms of her reinstatement; unfortunately for her though the course didn't start until the following week so she would be forced to sit out an additional game in the meantime. She was, however, allowed to practice with the girls, so at least, there was that to look forward too.

Returning to her flat after training was another thing completely, she has gotten used to Kelley being there with her and now that her girlfriend was no longer with her and she had finished packing and shipping her belongings it was just a sparse, quiet, lonely space to her. She was counting down the days until she herself could return stateside and see how her Mom was really doing and be back in Kelley's arms.

Kelley's plane lands and she gathers her belongings before making her way out to meet Erin. She catches her sister's eye and when they reach each other they hug and then walk over to the baggage area to collect Kelley's lone bag.

Leaving the airport parking lot, Erin starts the drive back towards Kelley's apartment, "Are you hungry?" Kelley looks over at her and smiles, "When am I not hungry?"

"True. You up for stopping at the grocery store and getting some food or just grab and go?"

"Grab and go for tonight, grocery store tomorrow. I'm too exhausted to cook anything right now."

They go through a drive-through on the way and Kelley inhales her French fries and starts on Erin's before Erin grabs them from her. They head up to the apartment and Kelley drops on her couch, looking around she notices her plant is still alive, "Thanks for watering Petey while I was gone." "I can't believe you named your plant. How do you even know it's a male plant? Maybe it's female."

"It never seemed to complain, so I don't really think it cares what I call it as long as I remember to water it."

"How was England?"

"It was fun, I've been there before, but it was nice to be there with someone who lives there or lived there? Penny showed me some places that I probably would have never seen without her knowledge, not to mention she knew the best places to eat and get coffee."

"Best place to get coffee? Damn Kel, you finally found a woman after your own heart."

"I can't wait for you to meet her Er."

Kelley lays on the couch fighting to keep her eyes open and eventually loses the battle. Erin cleans up their mess and then lets herself out.

The following day Kelley wakes up and when she goes to stretch finds herself on the floor after falling off the couch. Rubbing her arm, she heads into the bathroom to do what she needs to before heading back out into the kitchen to make something to eat and have a coffee. Looking in her fridge she realizes the flaw in her plan; she needs to go shopping for actual, edible food. She reluctantly heads back into her bedroom and puts some clothes on, before heading out to get groceries. Seeing a Starbucks on the way, she makes a quick detour to get a caffeine fix before finally making it to the store and purchasing enough food to get her through the next week.

Once back at her apartment, she makes three trips back and forth from her car before all the bags are brought up, "So glad I live in a place with an elevator," she thinks as she sets the last bags on the counter. She puts everything away except for the eggs, milk and a pepper and whips herself up and omelette to eat. Putting the dishes in the sink to wash later, she looks at the time and figures Penny should be at home right now.

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