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Penny opens her eyes and smiles when she catches sight of the beautiful woman, her girlfriend asleep beside her; I could totally get used to this sight every morning. She slides out of the bed and heads into the bathroom to freshen up. Picking up her phone to check the time, she sees her phone is flooded with messages, skimming over them she decides to open one from the Steph Houghton, the Captain of the England team.

New Message:

Houghton: Team meeting at 10:00 am in the breakfast room. Mandatory attendance.

Realizing it's hitting on 9:45 already she heads to her bag and throws some clothes on, before quickly scribbling down a note for Kelley and putting it by her phone. She grabs what she needs and heads to the meeting. When she arrives, she sees that most of the players have already arrived including Emma who is sitting off in a corner alone. She grabs something to eat and a cup of what they consider to be coffee before taking a seat and waiting for the meeting to start. Carly sits down beside her.

Carly: Any idea what the meeting is about?

Penny: I hope it's not about what happened between Emma and me last night.

Carly: Did you read any of the messages I sent you?

Penny: No, why?

Carly: Media has a video of everything that happened, including you hitting her.

Penny: I'm already expecting to be suspended for that, hopefully not fired.

Carly: I don't think you will be fired, suspended and fined most likely.

Jill Scott takes the spot beside Penny and joins the conversation.

Jill: It's not about you, word has it that Sampson is under investigation and could be terminated.

Penny: Woah, I didn't expect that.

Jill: Shh, Steph is standing up.

Steph: Ladies, just a quick bit of information before you can go about the rest of your day. Some of you may have already heard that Coach Sampson is under investigation for his behaviour at Bristol. Pending the results of the investigation, he may be removed as the Coach of our team. I know that some of you have had issues with him, but I'm reminding you to act professionally if you are approached by anyone to speak about it. The official comment from our team is "No Comment" understood?

The players agree.

Next order of business is to remind you all that the bus will be leaving here at 2 o'clock sharp, and lastly Emma and Penny I need to speak with you both in private, please.

Carly: Good luck.

Penny: Thanks.

Penny stands up and follows Steph and Emma out of the room.

They head up to her hotel room and when they get there, she asks Penny to wait outside while she speaks with Emma.

Penny walks up and down the hallway as she waits. She feels her phone buzz and pulls it out to see a message from Kelley.

New Message:

Kelley: Where are you? Are you going to be much longer? I'm lonely.

Penny: Waiting to speak with Steph, I'm not sure how long I'm going to be. Bronze and some of the girls were in the breakfast room when I left, you could hang out with them for a bit rather than in the room alone.

Kelley: Yeah, I think I'll do that; maybe I can steal some breakfast while I'm there.

Penny: Good idea. FYI the coffee looks and tastes like dirty dishwater, avoid it.

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