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A few days pass and after Penny takes the time to absorb what she learned about herself in the anger management class; realizing that the theory behind it all is transferable on the pitch as well as off. Now that she has taken the time to overthink and dissect everything about her relationship with Emma, she feels the need to speak with her and hopefully gain some form of closure. She arranges to meet Emma and Steph for lunch to discuss things.

Penny arrives first and chooses a table outside on the sidewalk area, she orders a drink while she waits for the others. While she is scrolling through her phone, she hears a chair move and looks up to find Emma has arrived and joined her. She puts down her phone and lets Emma order her own drink before speaking.

"Thanks for meeting me; I didn't think you would show after the way we left things. I hope you don't mind I invited Steph to join us, just in case."

"That's fine. So how are things?"

"Ok, you?"

"Ok, considering most of my teammates aren't speaking to me at the moment."

"I'm sorry about that."

"No, I deserve it. I was a complete bitch towards everyone."

"You were."

Steph joins them after watching them from afar for a few minutes, knowing they needed some one on one time to get the dialogue started. After exchanging greetings, the level of tension between the group is palpable.

"Em, you know I ended up at an anger management class because of our interaction and at first I was pissed about it; but I actually learned a great deal about myself and us as a result of it. Can I tell you about it?"

Emma nods, letting her know she can continue.

"We were together for quite a while, at first I think our relationship was one of convenience; neither one of us wanted to be alone, so we sought comfort in each other. I fell in love with you and the comfort you brought me, but I don't think we were ever at the same level during our entire relationship. We both had our own wants and needs and while I had let myself believe that you were everything, I needed, it wasn't the reality, and I eventually started resenting you and myself because of it. You, on the other hand, sought comfort in others; yes, I know about your girl on the side. I think the reality of us was, that I loved you and wanted to believe you would change and find me enough, so I kept waiting for it; it was never meant to happen. I was your safety blanket and you were mine.

I've moved on with someone I really care about and see a future with, Kelley makes me happy and I hope that one day soon you will find someone who does that for you."

Emma looks and listens on with tears in her eyes, making Penny reach over for her hand.

"I love you Pen and I'm sorry for everything; you're right we were each other's safety blanket. I treated you like crap while we were together, never thinking you would leave me and when I saw you with Kelley and happy I was jealous that she had you and I lost you. I knew Kelley was in recovery and I purposefully used that to create a scene in hopes of getting you back. Obviously, it didn't work and I'm actually glad it didn't; I don't deserve you. I want you to be happy Pen, that's all I've ever wanted and for what it's worth please apologize to Kelley for my actions."

"I can definitely pass that message, but I think it would mean more if you were to apologize to her yourself and take ownership of your actions."

"I will do that. Do you think we can ever become friends again Pen? I miss you."

"I miss you too, but I think right now we need time away from each other if we have any hope of being friends again."

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