Love In Bloom

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Penny and Kelley emerge from the bedroom holding hands and guilty looks on their faces.

Alex turns to face them, "What took you guys so long? Actually, scratch that I don't really want to know. Ellie went ahead to the hospital to relieve your father. Erin messaged me, I'm going to pick them up from the airport, so you don't need to worry about them. I wrote you a list of where you need to go today and what needs to be done."

"Wow, Janice stepping up to be our wedding planner. I hope you don't expect to be paid for your services because I'm kinda broke after buying the rings."

"Enough chit, chat, for now, let's get going." Alex hands Penny the list and pushes them all towards the door.

"Are you two capable of picking out flowers or do I need to do it for you?" "We got it, Alex, how about you scope the area for possible dresses for us while we get the license." "I can do that. I'll message you in a bit."

Alex heads off in her car, while Penny and Kelley grab an Uber to get their license.

Thankfully when they arrive it isn't overly busy and they are able to secure the paper in under an hour. "So your full name is Penelope Elizabeth Tillsley Brown?" "Yeah, Tillsley is my Mom's maiden name." "Cool, so what else is on our to-do list?" "Flowers, dresses and mani/pedis. There is a florist close by how about we do that next and then maybe Alex will be able to tell us where to find dresses." "That girl loves to shop, I can only imagine how much she is buying for herself right now when she is supposed to looking for us."

They walk down the street and enter the florist shop, "Pen, you're going to have to help me out here, I only know roses."

A woman approaches them, "Is there something I can help you ladies with?"

"We're getting married and need flowers, but neither of us knows much about them."

"What are your wedding colours?"

"We don't really have any, I think all white would be nice, what do you think Kel?"

"Pen, what are your Mom's favourite flowers?"

"She likes carnations."

Kelley looks at the woman, "Is it possible to do white roses, white carnations and some of those little white flowers with the green stuff?"

"When is the wedding?"

"Two days, my fiancée's Mom has terminal cancer and we are getting married before she passes."

"Okay, that's going to cutting it very tight, but let's decide what you need and we can work it from there ok?"

They sit down with her and finalize what they need, mainly just bouquets for them and the girls and corsages for their fathers.

"I can definitely do this for you, it's a small order and I have most of the flowers I need already in the shop."

They pay for everything and at the same time Kelley's phone starts ringing, "Pen, can you grab it for me."

Penny takes her phone, and sees that it's Alex calling, "Hey Alex, what's up?"

"It's not Alex, it's Erin, where's Kelley?"

"She's just paying for the flowers, why are using Alex's phone?"

"I had a bit of an accident with mine." Penny hears Alex yell in the background, "She dropped in the toilet." "Morgan, she didn't need to know that!" Penny laughs at the two yelling at each other.

"Anyways, where are you two? Alex found some dresses and Ellie is going to meet us there."

"Um one sec, I need to ask. Where are we?"

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