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"Oh shit!"

Ellie moves to cover herself and, in the process, sends Erin off the bed and on to the floor below with a thunk.

"Oww, fuck, that hurt!"

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Umm, would you believe that we were playing naked twister?" Erin hits Ellie's arm, "Not the time for jokes, babe." Hearing the word babe, come out of Erin's mouth makes Kelley's eyes go big.

"I can't even... Oh my god!!" Kelley picks up her phone and leaves the room, heading for the living room and sitting on the couch.

Ellie and Erin put clothes on and join her there.

"Don't even touch me Er, I don't want to even think about where your hands have been."


"I can't! I'm going for a run and maybe when I get back, we can talk about it."

Kelley gets up and heads for her room to get changed. She collects what she needs and quickly leaves the apartment. She doesn't go for a run, but instead out for a drive in her car, needing to clear her head. After getting looks for sitting in the parking lot of Chick Fil A for a few hours, she decides to head back to her apartment.

When she gets there it's quiet, she heads into her bedroom and collects what she needs to shower and change in sleep clothes. After finishing she heads into her room and finds Erin sitting there waiting.

"We need to talk, Kel."

"You think? How long have you two been, you know?"

"Kel, you can say the word sex, as in having sex or sleeping together."

"I just can't, I really don't want to think about what the two of you were doing in there."

"Fine, to answer your question, we hit it off before your wedding and since Ellie moved here, we've been spending a lot of time together. We went out drinking one night and one thing led to another."

"So, are the two of you like dating?"

"Um, not officially, more like we enjoying spending time with each other."

"Did she at least buy you dinner first Er?" "More than once, Kel."

"I don't know how I feel about this Erin, I honestly wish I could have a drink right now. What about Penny? I can't keep this from her, she's my wife."

Ellie joins them taking a seat beside Erin on the bed. Kelley watches as Ellie takes hold of Erin's hand.

"Kelley, we're still figuring things out. We don't know what this is yet, it's confusing because I don't think either of us had even considered the possibility of being attracted to a woman before, I know I didn't." Kelley listens to Ellie as she continues talking, "It's not right for us to expect you to keep this a secret from Pen, but can you please let us have some time to figure it out and if there's something here, I promise I will speak to Penny about it and us."

"You both know that this isn't going to go over well with the parentals."

"Why not? Mom and Dad already love Pen and Ellie as if they were their own."

"Hence the problem, you guys are like sisters and now you're sleeping together."

"We're not sleeping much if you know what I mean." "Oww, what the heck Er bear?"

"Er bear? Oh boy, y'all need to leave my room and let me process."

Ellie and Erin stand up and Erin hugs her sister, "Love you Squirrel."

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