Show Me To The Pitch

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Kelley and Alex are sitting outside at a café enjoying some iced coffee drinks while waiting on the arrival of Allie Long. Kelley is busy looking at her phone and responding to a message when the tall blonde approaches her from behind and yells boo, resulting in Kelley screaming and dropping her phone on the ground.

Kelley pushes her chair back and bends over to pick it, finding the screen is now with a crack through it, "For fuck sakes Long, now I need to get my phone fixed; I'm supposed to Facetime Penny soon."

Allie sits down, "Someone's in a bitchy mood." Kelley looks at her friend and opens her mouth to say something, but Alex cuts her off, "Wormy, let it go she doesn't know about what's happening today."

Allie looks at Kelley and notices the rings on her hand. She looks towards Alex with a questioning look. Alex then looks at Kelley, "Is it okay if I tell her?" Kelley shrugs, so Alex goes ahead and talks, "Penny has a meeting today with the new England Coach Phil Neville, and Worms won't be able to relax until she hears from her."

"Okay, first I'm sorry about your phone, I'll pay for it to be fixed if it's not covered, second, I'm sure everything will work out for Penny and third, WHAT THE FUCK IS ON YOUR HAND, WOOKIE?" Allie lifts Kelley's hand and examines the rings on her finger closer.

Kelley looks at Alex and then Allie, "So, yeah, you know how I said I had something important to tell you today?" Allie nods, "I'm going to assume it has something to do with them?" Kelley smiles and nods, "Penny and I got married about a month ago." "YOU WHAT?" "We got married before her Mom passed away." "You need to start talking now and tell me everything; I knew her Mom was sick, but how exactly did you end up married?"

Alex stands up, "I'm going to get us all refills on our drinks, I have a feeling we are going to be here a while." Alex heads back inside, while Allie waits for Kelley to explain how she got married without one of her best friends in attendance. Kelley explains everything to Allie leading up to the proposal and subsequent marriage.

"Do I get to see pictures of your dress?"

"Maybe, if you hadn't made me drop my phone earlier, I could show you some," Kelley responds.

"I gotcha covered," Alex pulls up the proposal video on her phone and then shows her the pictures she has from the wedding.

"Ahh, you look so good Kel, I was I could have been there," Allie responds while looking through the photos.

"You could have been, had you and Bati not decided to take a mini-vacay out of the country."

"Had I known you were going to pop the question and get married, then we wouldn't have gone."

"No one had any way of knowing what was going to happen, Allie, it all happened really quickly." Alex responds, "I was just lucky to be relatively close by at the time, same with Press and Tobs; Don't be upset with Worms because you missed out, most of our friends and teammates did as well."

"You're right, I'm sorry Wookie, I love you and congratulations on getting married; God, I can't believe you found someone crazy enough to marry you!" Kelley nudges her arm, "Don't call my wife crazy, Penny is awesome."

"We should think about a get together during the #SheBelieves with both teams," Alex adds.

"I'm sure the Lionesses would be up for it, those girls enjoy their get-togethers," Kelley says with a smile.

In the meantime, over in England, Penny is pacing around waiting to be called in for her meeting with the Coach. He opens the door and invites her in, "Have a seat." Penny sits down and immediately notices the video of her altercation with Emma cued up on the screen on the wall. She takes a deep breath and watches as Phil takes a seat across the table from her.

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