Across An Ocean

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Penny reaches to turn her alarm off, and then Kelley pulls her back in close. "No, you're not going anywhere, you're staying here with me." "Kel, we've been through this already, I don't want to leave you, but Man City is calling my name." Penny turns over and looks at her wife, removing a few stray hairs from her face before moving in to kiss her, "I need to shower now, are you planning on joining me?" "No!" "Suit yourself, but it's going to be a while before we see each other again; and I'd really like to spend as much of that time as possible naked, with you." Penny lifts the covers and stands up, looking over her shoulder as Kelley checks out her backside before making her way to the bathroom.

"Damn it!" Kelley gets up and follows her into the bathroom and shower. As Kelley pulls back the curtain, Penny laughs, "I knew you would come, you're incredibly predictable, O'Hara." "Babe, I haven't had any coffee yet; if you're going to make fun of me can you at least wait until I can come up with somewhat witty responses." Penny leans back against Kelley, "Kel, I'd rather not talk at all right now."

After enjoying an extended shower together and getting dressed, the couple makes their way out of the bedroom with Penny's luggage in tow and find George sitting in the living room watching a show on the television.

Penny walks over, hugs her father, and kisses him on the forehead, "Love you, Dad." "I love you too Penelope, and I expect to see your name on England's roster." "I'm going to do everything I can to make that happen for you and Mom." "She'll be watching Penelope, she's proud of you." "I know, I have to go now, Dad, I love you, and I'll call you soon, ok?" George stands up to give her a better hug before her and Penny head out the door.

Kelley reaches over to her in the car, "Babe, don't worry, they know one phone call or message, and I will catch the first plane to Cali." "You have no idea how much it means to me that you have taken in my family as your own, Kel." "Need I remind you that we exchanged vows that make you all my family." "No, it still seems like a rather foreign concept that we are actually married, you know?" "I do, and I don't regret it for a second; I love you, and I know you are going to knock them all dead in jolly old England."

They continue the drive to LAX, "What are you planning on doing once I'm gone?" "Partying, what else would I do once the old ball and chain leaves?" Penny reaches over and smacks her arm, "Oww! That hurt and I'm driving here." "Seriously Kel."

"I'm going to spend some time with Alex and Servando, then head back to Atlanta and continue my training. I'll have a few mini-camps and games before the main camp for #SheBelieves Cup; such a stupid name." Penny laughs and nods in agreement with her.

After parking, they make the trek into the terminals to get Penny, and her luggage checked in before the wait for her flights to be called.

"I'm so glad this flight is direct, and I won't have to deal with any screaming children." "You're welcome for the upgrade babe." Penny kisses Kelley on the cheek, "Thank you."

As the flight time draws closer, a heaviness appears between the couple, neither looking forward to being separated from each other; but knowing it's for the best." The hold gets tighter, and the kisses more frequent and meaningful, "I'm going to miss you so much Pen." "I'm going to miss you too Kel, but it's only 5 weeks until we see each other again unless you are planning on coming to England to visit me before that." "I don't know if I'll be able to work it out babe, my schedule is starting to fill up with meetings and appearances leading up to the World Cup." "It's nice to see you back in demand Kel, I know how much it bothered you to see Alex and some of the others getting all the attention." "They deserved it, I was so far up my own ass that I forgot how to play the game; I intend to get everything back and more. I want to make you proud of me." "I am proud of you Kel, if you were never to set foot again on the pitch, I would still be proud of you; you have worked so hard to overcome all the obstacles in your path, and I know you will continue to do so."

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