28~ Vanguard Action Squad

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(Midoriya's P.O.V)

"We've filled our bellies and cleaned the dishes. It's time for.." Pixie Bob started, but was cut off by Mina shouting excitedly "A totally awesome test of courage!" And Sato, Sero, kirishima, and Kaminari shouting "We're gonna win!" "Not so fast." Aizawa interrupted. "It pains me to say it, but the remedial class will be having lessons with me tonight instead." "You've gotta be kidding me!" Mina shrieked, and Aizawa used his scarf to bind them "Sorry. You're training during the day didn't impress me, so I'll be using this time too." "Aw, gimme a break!" Sero and Kaminari protested, and Sato and Kirishima yelled "I just wanna prove my courage!" but they were alll dragged to the ground by Aizawa. Once they were quiet, Pixie Bob continued "Ok. So. Class B is going to start out as our 'scarers'. When they're in place, class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names on them at the far end of the route. Your goal is to collect those." "Revelry in the dark." Tokoyami said, a dark and determined tone in his voice. "Now, those who are scarers aren't allowed to make physical contact. Use your Quirks to terrify the others. Got it?" Pixie Bob continued, followed by Tiger "The winners are the creative students who make the most people piss their pants!" "Did we need that visual?" Jiro asked , sounding annoyed. "I see. They're encouraging us to stoke our imaginations as we compete with each other, all while showing us more uses for our Quirks in the process! As expected of UA!" Iida analyzed. "All right! Everyone draw to see who your partner will be!" Pixie Bob said, handing out slips of paper with numbers on them. 

I took mine, then thought out loud "Hm? If we're in teams of two... Wait. There are 20 of us, but five in extra lessons. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8?" I thought of each pair as I counted. "Okay, lets try this again, I must be missing something. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8? I'm all alone." I freaked out quietly. "Hey. Here's the thing though, Midoriya. You miss counted. There are 21 of us and 5 in extra lessons, meaning I'm your partner. You were thinking of the already formed pairs, weren't you?" I heard a voice behind me, and turned to see (Y/n) holding the same number slip as me. "AH! I'm so sorry I forgot you. It's not that you're forgettable or anything I-" I yelped, and started waving my hands around and trying to think of an excuse. "I'm gonna stop you before you dig yourself deeper into that hole. Don't worry about it." she interrupted. "Haha... thanks." I said, relieved she that she wasn't angry. We waited for a while without speaking to each other, and we listened to the screams of our classmates. I decided to break awkward silence between us and ask "So, are you scared at all?" "Dammit of course she isn't, she's (Y/n)!" I shrieked in my head. "Huh? Kinda. They're not allowed to hurt us, but I don't really like this kind of thing." she replied, surprising me. "Really? Me neither, it's a bit creepy." I added. "Hm. Well, at least we aren't going through alone." she said, still looking ahead. "Yeah." I responded, wondering what she was thinking about. We watched Tsu and Uraraka walk in, and another scream rang out from the forest. "I wonder who that was." I asked nervously. "Sounded like Kyoka. Her partner is Toru, so I'm gonna guess that's who the other one was." (Y/n) responded. "Oh, ok." Suddenly the air began to cloud up, and Pixie Bob sniffed the air. "You see that?"I asked, seeing smoke rising above the trees. "Black smoke." Mandalay observed. "Has something been set ablaze?" Iida asked. "Maybe a fire on the mountain?" Ojiro guessed. "I'm going to go check it out. I'll report back when I find the source." (Y/n) said. "Ok, be careful." Mandalay approved. As soon as she faded from view, Pixie Bob was dragged backwards.

(Y/n's P.O.V)

I was flying over the tree tops and gliding in circles to get a better view of the situation. The forest at the base of the mountains was split,  small section clear, and the rest either up in blue flames or in a dense, low cloud of purple smoke. I wasn't quite sure of the sources yet, so I was going to keep scouting before turning back with a report. "Everyone!" I got startled and stopped, hovering in place. "Mandalay's telepath." I told myself in a hushed voice, then swooped down into a nearby tree and sat down, so my wing beats wouldn't overpower the sound of her voice. "Two villains attacked us. It's possible there are more coming. Everyone, return to camp immediately. We're regrouping. Do not engage any enemies." "Damn. I'm pretty far from camp." I thought out loud. I looked around and realized the fastest way back was through the smoke and fire. I pursed my lips and thought. "Am I safer here, or at camp? What about the others?" "The others..." I whispered, then took off towards the fire and smoke, determined to find my classmates. Once I got to the thickest of the smoke, I had to start flapping my wings to clear it. I kept going until it was at least somewhat clear and I could see and breath, but the heat was too intense. I felt my strength give out and the heat caused me to faint. I regained consciousness a split second before I crashed through a tree. Besides a few bruises, no injuries. I looked around and realized the tree I was in was up in flames. I quickly scrambled around until I dropped down onto the ground. I started running in the direction of camp, but I saw two figures up ahead. Before I could duck out of sight, they both turned to me. "Which one's that? Capture, Kill, or Ignore?" One with black, spiky hair asked the other man who was wearing a suit that covered his whole body. "Not a clue! She sure is cute though with those big fluffy wings!" he giggled like a child, then his tone became more sinister and he said "Capture list. (Y/n) Takami, little brat." I tensed my wings and shot a small group of feathers toward the two, aiming for their sides, sharp as razors. The black haired man raised his hand, and a surge of bright blue flames consumed my feathers and came roaring towards me.

 I swung around and dashed through the flames, tripping every so often but remaining up right, and as I ran a felt a feathers fly off. I heard a shout back behind me, and turned to see the black haired man just behind me. I could now see he had burnt skin that was stapled together in some places. I panicked and sped up, but tripped over a flaming branch. I felt his hands grip both of my wings, and flame burst forth, enveloping my feathers, turning them to ash. I screamed in fear and pain, not feeling the need to hide my pain like I did in front of Tokoyami and Ojiro at USJ. I tried to scramble away, but all of the sudden Mandalay's Telepath activated again. "Everyone in Class A and Class B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat. I repeat. Use your training. You may fight these villains." I twisted around and tore myself from his grip. I swung my fist towards his face, and pushed with all my strength as it connected with it cheek. I heard a sickening, yet satisfying crack and felt something snap. When I pulled my hand away, he looked back at me, blood pouring from his mouth, and jaw hanging uselessly. He raised his hand towards me, and I dropped to the ground, kicked his shin and he fell to the ground onto his side. I raised my foot, then slammed it down on his head, but with the impact, he melted away. "Listen, we've discovered one of the villain's targets. It's a student named Kacchan. Kacchan, you should try to avoid combat. And stick to a group. I hope you can hear me." Mandalay's telepath sounded again. "They're after me too. Please, someone find me." I thought back, wishing the telepath went two ways, then I felt a firm hand settle on my shoulder. I tensed up and whipped my head around, my eyes meeting a black and white mask. "Hello there. I'm Mr. Compress, a pleasure to meet you, Takami. Mind if I keep this?" The man behind the mask asked in a polite but sinister tone, holding up one of my feathers that had flown off while I ran. I tried to call some back, but none returned, having flown into fire, or in this one's case, being held firm in Mr. Compress's grasp. "I'll take that as a yes. Let me just clip it so you can't get it back." he said, then moved one hand in front of the feather, and the bottom was clipped. "It's my understanding that you can't control these if they're damaged, correct?" He asked, tucking the feather into his cap along with the other one that was already there. "Cool trick." I forced a sarcastic remark through my terror to appear confident. "Here, let me show you another" he said, and suddenly his grip on my shoulder tensed and everything went black.

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