Hello, my name is Kyu. I am a fourteen and a half year old Canadian, you may wonder why I'm Canadian but have a Japanese name, well my parents were always fascinated by Japanese culture, they couldn't find a name that suited me in English or French soooo they moved on to Japanese names, I didn't actually get a traditional name. My name as I said before is Kyu it means nine in Japanese. I basically just got a number to be called by, but its a fairly unique name and i quite like it, also now the number nine is kinda like my own logo.
Anyway I should probably start telling you about how my life ended and changed at the same time.
It was a normal day in the town of Kuoh, i have been living here for about seven years, next week i was supposed to enroll in a formerly all girls school, now you might be wondering why i want to go there, i don't, its the only school in this entire town, i just wanna play games and watch anime in my free time but nooooo i gotta get an "education" I am perfectly edumacated! ...
dang it.So i was walking out of my house to get some groceries, after i got the groceries i was walking back to my house when my arm was torn off by what looks like a bolt, except it was made out of pure light, i quickly turned to see that the person who shot me was a man with dark blue hair and a black streak, his eyes were gray and dull, he was wearing a blue shirt under a brown leather coat, he had black jeans with the knees being a bit torn, he had dress shoes, the main thing that concerned me was the metal crossbow with weird inscriptions on it being pointed at me.
So i naturally ran away until i ran into the first alley i ran into, my adrenaline ran out and i collapsed against the wall, i tried to put pressure on what was left of my arm but i was slowly losing consciousness.
Just before i lost consciousness i heard a familiar voice, but after that i lost all feeling and i believe i died.
I awoke to find myself in a white room, i got up but i immediately noticed that i had my right arm again, i was happy and shocked, a few other emotions but the main two were happy and shocked.
A bright light suddenly appeared infront of me, i closed my eyes until the light faded, my eyes opened and i saw two people standing infront of me.
The first person was a man in his early twenties who had short and curly light blonde almost white hair, his eyes were green like oak tree leaves in the spring, his pupils were strange, they were blue like a calm ocean, the whites of his eyes glowed.
He was wearing a lime green button up shirt under a white sweater vest, his pants were brown and he was wearing white and yellow sneakers.
The second person was a woman in her early twenties aswell, she had straight long black hair, she was quite skinny, almost frail, you could see some of her bones under her skin, her eyes were dark purple and her pupils were red like a pool of blood, the whites of her eyes were black and also glowing like the other person.
She was wearing a black shirt with dark red lines going up the arms and creating a skull with devil horns on her chest, she had black jeans that were torn at the knees and no shoes, over all of this she was wearing a dark purple cloak with a hood, the cloak seemed to be a bit too big for her.
???: "Greetings, i am Death"
The woman said, with a stoic expression.
???: "I am Life"
Now, normally i would think these people are normal despite the eyes, but considering a few seconds ago i was bleeding out in an alley with no arm and now i'm here with my arm, i'm gonna guess these people are actually the people who rule over life and death.
"Umm... H-hello?" i said nervously
Life: "Hello! So, uhhh now normally we would ask if you want to be sent to another world, buuut this is actually the world that needs you."
"Wait... wut?"
Life: "We are basically reviving you, we have chosen you to help this world in its time of need."
Life: "Now normally you would be revived by us, but you're already being revived"
Life: "We are kinda running out of time sooo... Goodbye!"
Death: "Bye"
"Wait a minu-"
I awoke in my bed.
"That was rude" i said to myself, i looked at my arm to see it was still there, but there was a scar where the bolt shot my arm and it was fading quickly.
So that was real i guess. On another note, i have no idea why i am so calm, i got up and walked out of my room and stepped into the bathroom, i took a shower and brushed my teeth, i looked at the reflection in the mirror, the reflection of a frail boy looked back at me, he had short and messy dark blonde hair, his eyes were emerald green and shone with innocence, his complexion was very pale from not being outside very much. This was me.
I stared at my reflection and just thought about what happened, i had died, like actually died and now i'm somehow here. I sighed as i looked back at my reflection, when i noticed something weird, there was something floating above my head.
Kyu -Lvl: 1 "The Gamer"
What? Why do i have a level and... a title?
Oookay... This is... Like a game... Oh my god i'm the Gamer.
I've read the "Gamer" story before but... This is actually happening. I think. Probably.
Suddenly a small blue see-through hologram appeared infront of me.
"Hello new Gamer, would you like to take the tutorial?"
"Y"/"N"I pressed "Y" for yes and the tutorial started, this might take a while.
(Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the start of this story, in the next part i will skip the tutorial because its annoying to type ;-; anyway i hope you've all had a good day! Bye!)

Highschool DxD: The Game (Early Work)
General FictionMeet Kyu, he's your somewhat average teenager, other than the fact that he possesses the power of The Gamer and is on the track to becoming the universe's strongest combatant. The phrase "Early Work" included in this title means that the story-telli...