Kyu was sitting on a couch which was located on the street outside of the hotel. The other members of the Gremory team were inside, working on destroying the Grim Reapers and remaining two markers. The boy watched as one of Issei's beams of draconic energy shot through the roof of the hotel. Soon after, a purple orb enveloped the entire building before shrinking and then disappearing. A moment after, a shockwave formed that blasted away several buildings in the surrounding area. That was Ophis' power.
Kyu noticed that the sky appeared to have gained some cracks. He looked back towards the hotel and saw Ophis walking towards him before she sat down on the couch beside him.
Kyu: "Yo." He greeted.
Ophis: "Hello." She replied.
Kyu: "Wutcha doin' here?" He asked.
Ophis: "They told me not to fight since controlling power is hard." She stated.
Kyu: "Huh." He said.
Kyu and Ophis watched as multiple flashes of light erupted here and there. A lot of Grim Reapers were being wiped out, and they were about as powerful as mid-class devils.
Ophis: "Why are you here?" She asked.
Kyu: "I don't feel too well and I'd rather save my strength for something more urgent." He stated.
Kyu: "Speaking of which..." He said as his eyes glowed red.
Ophis: "...Mantra?" She asked.
Kyu: "Haki." He corrected.
The boy stood up and began walking towards the now destroyed hotel. He could sense a dark presence even without Observation Haki.
Pluto, a Grim Reaper of legend had appeared to take Azazel to unalive land. He had a black cloak decorated with several golden artifacts and a scythe that held several skulls and other odd limbs on it. He disappeared before clashing weapons with the armored Azazel. The Governor of Fallen Angels and the Ultimate-level Grim Reaper engaged in combat. The Grim Reaper was overwhelmingly fast, everywhere he went he left behind black afterimages of himself.
Meanwhile, Yuuto was fighting against Siegfried, the wielder of six swords. Yuuto had definitely been training quite a bit and the results showed, because Siegfried was slowly gaining shallow wounds. Yuuto used his new ability, Blade Blacksmith, which allowed him to create dragon-like knights that carried holy swords. Yuuto had also increased his ability so that he could even create Dragon-Slaying blades. While impressive, Kyu knew of three katana that outranked Yuuto's swords.
Speaking of Kyu, the boy had shown up to watch the fight. He was sitting on the semi-destroyed roof of a building next to the former hotel.
Kyu: "Boo!" He jeered at Yuuto.
Issei: "Why are you booing?!" He yelled.
Kyu: "He isn't using Mana Shield! Oh my God, Yuuto-senpai! It's the easiest thing in the world and it doesn't decrease your speed in the slightest!" He yelled.
Kyu knew Yuuto could hear him, because just after he yelled, Yuuto gained a bubble of mana around him.
The boy sighed when a few moments later, an army of Grim Reapers appeared. Apparently, getting hit by a Reaper's scythe is bad, so the enemy went with quantity over quality.
Kyu: "Bleh." He made an unenthusiastic noise before dropping off of the roof and landing on the ground.
He balled his hands into fists, but extended his index and second fingers before he put them together to make a cross-like shape.

Highschool DxD: The Game (Early Work)
General FictionMeet Kyu, he's your somewhat average teenager, other than the fact that he possesses the power of The Gamer and is on the track to becoming the universe's strongest combatant. The phrase "Early Work" included in this title means that the story-telli...