Sparks flew through the air as a pair of blades clashed. One of the blades was a basic katana, the other was a large blue double-edged sword with golden edges.
The katana bounced off of the large blade and was swung quickly through the air. The larger blade went to parry, but the katana's blade was cut in half when the two blades made contact.
Kyu: "See what happened?" He asked his sparring partner.
Xenovia: "How did it not break the first round?" She asked.
Kyu: "That's what I'm trying to teach you. The basics of Busoshoku, or Armament, Haki." He explained.
Kyu: "With the imbuement application of Buso Haki, any blade, despite how poorly it's made, will gain extreme durability and a large increase in power." He stated.
Xenovia: "So, you're saying that it would be an upgrade to my swords?" She asked.
Kyu: "Yep. Although, if used constantly, you will be reduced to a near-immobile state and will need to wait about ten minutes before using Haki again." He informed her.
Kyu heard three beeps and swiped away a screen that had appeared before him.
Kyu: "Okay, we're going to have to end the lesson here for today. Dinner's almost ready." He told her.
Xenovia: "Okay. Thanks, Kyu-kun." She thanked him.
Kyu: "It's no problem. I plan to have everyone in the group learn how to use Haki eventually." He told her as the barren landscape around them disappeared and turned into one of the exercise rooms in the Hyoudou residence.
Kyu walked out of the room with Xenovia and the two walked into the elevator at the end of the hallway.
Xenovia: "So, the black stuff that covers your hand when you fight is Armament Haki?" She asked.
Kyu: "Yeah. There's an advanced application that I'd like to learn, but I think it'll take more than a month to reach the level I need my skill to be." He stated as he pressed one of the buttons on the elevator.
Xenovia: "Wow, a month seems kind of long." She noted.
Kyu: "Well, if I didn't have my special ability, it would've probably taken me over two years to learn just the basics of Armament." He said.
Xenovia: "Is that how long it's going to take me?" She asked.
Kyu: "Possibly." He shrugged.
The elevator doors opened and the two walked out of the lift. Kyu walked into the large kitchen and removed the lid from a large pot. A satisfying aroma soon filled the room and Kyu begun stirring the contents of the pot with a large wooden spoon.
[Cooking has levelled up!]
Kyu raised his eyebrow before dismissing the screen, immediately after, another screen appeared.
[Unique Dungeon has been unlocked!]
Kyu: "Hm. Neat, I'll have to check that out later." He said.
[You will be transported in 3...]
The timer counted down and Kyu quickly turned off the stove.
Kyu: "Come on, I'm cooking here!" He told the system, but soon, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed.

Highschool DxD: The Game (Early Work)
General FictionMeet Kyu, he's your somewhat average teenager, other than the fact that he possesses the power of The Gamer and is on the track to becoming the universe's strongest combatant. The phrase "Early Work" included in this title means that the story-telli...