Part #13. My first Dungeon

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[Kyu's POV]

As I woke up to a bright sunny day. I sat up and looked at one of my One Piece posters. It featured Luffy and all three of the admirals. And as I gazed upon Admiral Kizaru's weird face. I told myself something.

"I am totally gonna rip off that guy's attacks." I stated.

I threw the covers of my bed off of me and stood up, I lifted my arms up and stretched while leaning back a bit. I dropped my arms to my sides and began choosing the clothes I'd wear today.

Last time I went with a burnt orange hoodie, so this time I'm gonna go with a bright yellow one. Is it different? Kinda, is it still a hoodie? Yes. And that's the important thing. I grabbed my clothing for today and headed into the bathroom to shower.

After showering, eating breakfast, etc. I put my shoes on and walked out of my house while waving my parents "goodbye" I began walking to school with my messenger bag slung over my shoulder and resting on my back. I began walking to school. Tristen didn't join me for this walk, because he was sick, or he had some Angel stuff to do, I dunno.

I walked along the sidewalk humming the sixth opening of One Piece to myself, I liked that opening. Really catchy.

As I made my way forwards, I noticed that on the other side of the street was Issei-senpai. I think I actually saw him a few times when I was walking with Tristen.

I raised my hand and waved at him, to which he waved back. Once we reached a stoplight, he decided to make his way over to my side of the street. The lights turned green right after he stepped onto the sidewalk on my side.

"Good morning." I greeted him.

Isssei: "Morning." He greeted back. I decided to judge the brown haired teenager, if he passed this test. We would inevitably become true friends.

"Anime?" I asked.

Issei: "Yes." He replied. I nodded silently.

"One Piece?" I asked him.

Issei: "Dragon Ball." He replied. I knew he was one of the good ones, even if he said bad words.

"Indeed." I said.

Issei: "Quite." He replied. We soon began talking about anime, from Dragon Ball, to One Piece, from One Piece, to Naruto. We spent the entire time talking about anime, that soon enough we didn't realize we were at school.

We walked into the main entrance and waved each other "goodbye" I headed to my class, and he headed to his.

I walked into my classroom and sat in my seat, I noticed Koneko-san walk in shortly after and she went to her seat. I waved to her and she just ignored me. I shrugged and took off my messenger bag, I unzipped it and pulled out a notebook I had stored in there. I pulled out a pencil and began drawing until class began.

After class, I stored all of my books back into my bag and closed it. I pulled it onto my shoulder and stood up, I noticed that one girl who threw me out of the window, instead of confronting her, I simply smiled and waved at her. She stared at me with a confused look in her eyes. But I just walked out of the room.

I remembered that we had a break after the first class, so I decided to find Yuuto-senpai. I found him in the Occult Research Club, where he was sharpening a sword, that I don't think I saw him have last night.

"Good morning Yuuto-senpai." I greeted him.

Yuuto: "Good morning Kyu." He greeted back.

"C-Can you show me h-how to properly use a sword right now?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded in response.

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