Part #49. Kyu's Most Confusing Experience Yet.

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Kyu appeared back in his bedroom without the blindf covering his eyes. He did have a large bruise on his cheek, however.

He noticed that Akeno and Koneko were no longer in bed, so he assumed they had gone downstairs for breakfast.
Kyu walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. He closed the door behind him and began his morning routine.

Kyu appeared in a large field with several large rocks scattered around. He noticed several holes in the rocks.

Kyu: "Yo! Gasper-san! You good?!" He called out.

The sound of Gasper's crying responded.

Kyu: "Okay! Have fun!" He shouted before vanishing from the area.

Kyu rubbed the back of his damp hair and walked out of his bedroom. He zipped up his hoodie on the way to the elevator. He pressed the button for the first floor and leaned against the wall of the lift.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the messages he had received. The only thing of interest was that his parents would finally be coming back to Japan in about a week.

The doors opened and Kyu walked out. He strolled over to the dining room and found everyone sitting down.

Kyu: "Morning." He waved without looking up from his phone.

They all greeted him, and the boy took a seat between Akeno and Koneko as usual. He tapped on his phone twice and placed it back in his pocket. Kyu looked around and noticed Issei and Rias acting weird.

Kyu: "What's up with you two?" He asked.

Irina: "Issei confessed." She said.

Kyu: "Oh my God... Which crime did he commit this time?" He sighed.

Issei: "I didn't commit a crime!" He yelled.

Kyu: "Yeah, sure." He waved him off.

Irina: "No, I mean he confessed how he feels about her." She explained.

Kyu: "Still not entirely sure what you mean." He stated.

Rias: "H-He told me that he l-loved me..." She stammered.

Kyu: "Oh. Mkay." He said, disinterestedly.

Rias: "Don't be too excited." She said sarcastically.

Kyu: "Don't worry. I'm not." He said as he picked up his phone and stared at the screen.

Mrs. Hyoudou: "Aw, Kyu-chan. Why aren't you excited? A couple getting together should always be celebrated!" She told the young boy.

Kyu: "Too much buildup." He yawned.

Issei: "What do you mean by that?" He asked.

Kyu: "For the last seven months, you two have gone from meeting, to sleeping next to each other with one of you being naked, kissing, other stuff that my mind won't allow me to remember, and now here." He pointed out.

Kyu: "It's just not really surprising, it seemed like it was going to happen eventually." He said.

Kyu: "And I suppose you couldn't have been emotionally ready to admit your feelings, but honestly you've already done it so many times it's exhausting." He sighed.

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