Part #37. Another Angel Joins the ORC.

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(Third Person POV)

The second trimester of Kuoh Academy has begun. The members of the ORC were in the club room, however, there was a new member with them, Irina Shidou. The newly-reincarnated angel had enrolled at Kuoh Academy and would be Issei, Asia and Xenovia's classmate.

Kyu was sitting in his usual spot. But something was a little bit different, Koneko wasn't sitting beside him. She was sitting on his lap while she ate a lollipop. Gasper sat beside both of them while Yuuto was sitting on the couch opposite of them with Issei.

Xenovia: "I'm glad to see that you're well." She told Irina.

Asia: "I'm so happy to see you again." She said.

Irina: "Me, too! Asia! Xenovia!" She said before hugging the two. The two devils immediately backed away because the cross hanging from Irina's neck had stung them.

Irina: "What's wrong?" She asked.

Xenovia: "The cross you have hanging on your neck." She said.

Asia: "It stings." She clarified.

Irina: "Oh, that's right. Devils can't stand crosses. I'm sorry!" She apologized.

Gasper: "That person is from the Church, right?" He asked.

Yuuto: "Yes. Why is she at this school?" He asked.

The door to the club room opened before Rias and Akeno walked into the room.

Rias: "Looks like everyone is here." She said.

Rias: "Irina Shidou. I welcome you to this school." She said to Irina.

Irina spun around before bowing to Rias.

Irina: "Please take care of me!" She said.

Issei: "President, what is this?" He asked.

Azazel: "I told him we didn't need her." A voice said before a flash of lime green light appeared behind the couch that Kyu was sitting on and the fallen angel appeared.

Azazel: "With the Chaos Brigade on the loose, Michael was worried that fallen angels and devils weren't enough to protect the school and volunteered his forces." He explained.

Yuuto: "Well, we did form an alliance." He said.

Akeno: "So there's no way we can refuse her." She stated.

Irina: "You must be at ease now that I, a reincarnated angel who received Lord Michael's blessing, am here!" She said as she spread her wings.

Kyu: "Wow, I must've been doing a pretty bad job if they're at ease now." He said.

Xenovia: "I'm surprised that a human can become an angel." She said.

Kyu deadpanned at the blue haired girl.

Azazel: "With God's death, new angels can no longer be born. I'm sure they used the same methods that fallen angels and devils use." He said.

Irina: "A high-level angel is king and has a family of cards from ace to queen. I was chosen as one of his brave saints!" She stated.

Yuuto: "I see, we are chess pieces and you are cards." He said.

Kyu: "Irina-senpai, do you know what card I am?" He asked her.

Irina: "Um, no. You were reincarnated with a very early version of the system, so you're just a reincarnated angel that's not really part of anyone's deck." She told him.

Kyu: "Hm. Neat." He stated.

Asia: "So what card are you, Irina?" She asked the second angel.

Irina: "I'm glad you asked. I am an ace. I was honored to receive the ace angel position from Lord Michael! I could die from happiness, Lord Michael!" She said while clasping her hands together.

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