In Otama's house, Kyu and Luffy were sitting in the singular room that was in the small house. It was quite tiny, and in disrepair. Kyu was paying close attention to what Otama, or "Tama" as Luffy called her, was cooking.
Luffy: "It's dirty, small, and stinky here." He noticed.
Kyu: "Don't be rude, Luffy." He told the pirate.
Otama: "Aniki, that is a little impolite." She said.
The small house was nestled in the large roots of a tree, it was quite clever in Kyu's opinion, because they could probably just hollow out some of the tree to get more space, but he wasn't going to suggest that, given how he accidentally murdered several trees a while ago.
The wood in the fire cracked and startled Otama. Luffy turned his head when he recognized a new smell.
Luffy: "Oh, smells delicious!" He said.
Kyu: "I've never tried making rice like this. It's weird, but cool." He noted.
Otama: "It's gonna be ready soon!" She said.
Luffy: "Isn't it ready yet, Tama?!" He whined.
Otama removed the lid of the large dish and a bit of steam wafted up.
Otama: "It's ready!" She smiled.
Otama: "Here you go." She said, putting a chipped bowl overflowing with rice in front of Luffy.
Otama: "Go ahead and dig in!" She told Luffy.
Otama: "Are you sure you don't want any, Aniki?" She asked, referring to Kyu.
Kyu: "Nah. Luffy'd just steal it anyway." He grinned.
Luffy: "Thanks for the food!" He clapped his hands together before grabbing the bowl and a pair of chopsticks and eating so violently the house shook a little bit.
Kyu: "Jesus Christ, calm down." He said.
Luffy: "It's delicious!" He said with his mouth full of rice.
He gulped down a mouthful for ice and stared at Otama.
Luffy: "Aren't you gonna eat?" He asked.
Otama: "No, not now." She smiled.
She jumped back and began throwing pretend-shuriken.
Otama: "I can't become a ninja if I'm not agile!" She stated.
She ran to the right and made "pohpohpohpoh" noises as she pretended to throw shuriken.
Luffy inhaled the rest of the rice and held his bowl out.
Luffy: "Seconds, please!" He said.
Otama: "How quick!" Her eyes widened when she saw the empty bowl.
Kyu: "Bro, what took you so long?" He asked.
Otama: "But that was all I cooked. There are no more pickles left, either." She sighed.
Luffy: "Okay. I was just joking when I asked for seconds." He lied half-heartedly.
Luffy sighed before licking the bowl to see if there was even a spec of rice left.
Otama: "Eh?! You're bad at lying!" She noticed.
Kyu: "Damn. She found your one weakness." He smiled.

Highschool DxD: The Game (Early Work)
General FictionMeet Kyu, he's your somewhat average teenager, other than the fact that he possesses the power of The Gamer and is on the track to becoming the universe's strongest combatant. The phrase "Early Work" included in this title means that the story-telli...