(Third Person POV)
The sun had begun to set, thus bringing night to the town of Kuoh. Our protagonist was walking on the sidewalk while singing along to the song he was listening to through his earbuds.
He was listening to "Better Now" by Post Malone, he was singing along to the song as he walked forwards, people who didn't recognize he was singing in English looked at him strangely as they walked past him.
He reached an intersection, he had his eyes closed so he didn't realize that he was walking across the street while cars zoomed past while honking their horns at him.
He was about to walk in front of a car, but he opened his eyes and jumped up, he stepped on the roof of the car and hopped off of it without missing a beat, he landed on the sidewalk past the cars and continued walking.(Kyu's POV)
Wow, I should really pay more attention to where I'm going.
I was heading to the Occult Research Club, I had finished picking up presents for everyone, it set me back about twenty thousand yen, that's about one hundred dollars in USD, more than one hundred dollars in CAD.
I had stored all of the gifts in my Inventory, so I wouldn't have to risk dropping any of it.
I had no idea what to get Rias-senpai, but I do have something to compensate for that.Eventually, I had made it to Kuoh Academy, I walked through the open gate and walked to the old school house.
I opened the door to see everyone here, Akeno-senpai appeared to have just served tea, Koneko-san was in her usual spot, Yuuto-senpai sat across from her. And Issei-senpai and Asia-san were talking to Rias-senpai who was sitting at her desk.
"I-I've got presents!" I announced, this immediately got everyone's attention. I decided to start with Akeno-senpai who was the closest to me. I put my hands behind my back and opened up my Inventory, I brought out a box full of peppermint tea, which was oddly expensive.
I presented the box of tea to Akeno-senpai."S-Sorry if it's not personal enough, we haven't really known each other for that long..." I said. Akeno-senpai grabbed the box of tea and looked at it.
Akeno: "It's quite alright Kyu-kun, I was actually going to get some of this tomorrow. So thank you for saving me the trip." She told me. I smiled at her.
"Y-You're welcome!" I told her. I walked over to Yuuto-senpai and reached behind my back to pull out my present for him, it was a pair of metal greaves. I gave them to him and he stared at them.
"I noticed that you didn't really protect your legs, and since your attribute is speed, i-it just seemed like a thoughtful present." I told him.
Yuuto: "It is, thank you Kyu." He said. I nodded to him and moved onto Asia-san.
"One moment." I said before I ran out of the room, I moved the Inventory in front of my and reached my arm into the screen which formed ripples once I touched it.
I began backing away from the screen, I was pulling out a giant white fluffy arm, following the arm came the head, torso, and legs of a giant stuffed rabbit.
I had to open the second door of the old school house to bring it inside.
"I got you this Asia-san." I told her as I dragged the gigantic bunny into the room.
I looked at Asia-san, and I saw that her eyes shone with excitement. She immediately ran and jumped onto the bunny.
Asia: "So comfyyyy..." She commented.
Asia: "Thank you Kyu!" She told me as I moved onto Rias-senpai.
"I-I'm gonna be honest, I didn't know what to get you so..." I paused before I reached into my pocket and pulled out three cards.

Highschool DxD: The Game (Early Work)
Fiksi UmumMeet Kyu, he's your somewhat average teenager, other than the fact that he possesses the power of The Gamer and is on the track to becoming the universe's strongest combatant. The phrase "Early Work" included in this title means that the story-telli...