(Kyu: Have a great day and enjoy this story! AIHPDVUObgioandsgosd)
[Kyu's POV]
I opened the door and I saw my parents watching TV together, I greeted them and my Mom got off of the couch that she was sitting on and looked at me.
Mother: "Oh hey Sweetie how was your da-" She was then cut off by her brain registering what I looked like, and I looked terrible. My arm was in a sling, my uniform was all dirty, I did not look good.
Mother: "JESUS CHRIST WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM?!" She yelled, my father soon got off of the couch as well and looked at me, he soon freaked out similar to my mother, but he hid it well... Kinda.
Father: "DEAR GOD WHAT THE FU-" He interrupted himself and cleared his throat. "D-Did you beat them up son?" He asked me while I chuckled.
"Violence is not the Jedi way Dad." I replied with a smile on my face, I excused myself and went upstairs. I noticed that my arm was no longer in pain, in fact the pain was gone just about when I had ran my laps. Interesting.
I took off the sling and threw it onto my bed, I'll have to take it back to the Infirmary tomorrow. I sat down on the bed and sighed, I have a very short amount of time to get faster, and I've noticed I've been going to sleep earlier, so I have to stay awake and train... Hehe, I sound kind of like an anime character. I grabbed some new clothes and walked over to the bathroom, I put my dirty clothes in a nearby laundry basket and a few minutes later I was finishing putting my clean clothes on, I was wearing some faded dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a candy apple red maple leaf on the chest, and I also had a dark gray and rosewood red hooded jacket.I walked downstairs and zipped up my jacket halfway, I saw my parents cooking in the kitchen.
"I'm gonna go for a walk, Mom, Dad." I told them as I made my way to the door, I was putting my usual orange running shoes on, when I heard my mother clearing her throat. I looked up and saw my Mother and Father standing over me.
Father: "And where do you think your going?" He asked me.
"I'm going for a walk." I told them once again.
Mother: "Weren't you wearing a cast earlier?" She asked me, this wasn't going to end well.
"Umm... I-I think it's called a s-sling." I said nervously.
Mother: "You sassin' me?" She asked me.
"N-No." I replied.
My Mother looked at me with suspicious eyes, I tried to look back skeptically but I was to nervous to pull anything.
My Mother sighed and asked me a question which I was not expecting.
Mother: "Are you well enough to go outside?" She asked, she was no longer a skeptical woman, she was just my Mother.
I chuckled and nodded.
Mother: "Fine, but if you come back with injuries I will kill you." She said.
My Father just chuckled.
Father: "I'll make some armor for ya." He told me.
I laughed and said "Thanks." I finished putting on my shoes and walked out of the house, after closing the door behind me and walking onto the road, I broke off into a sprint and activated Dash.
After three minutes had passed I was forced to use my Mana to continue using the skill, after running all the way to the park which was quite far away from my house, I heard a "Ding!" That signified the arrival of a new screen, I stared at the screen and looked at what it said.[The skill {Dash} has leveled up!]
I smiled at the screen and closed it, I looked at how much Mana I had and saw I only had about five MP, so I sat down against a nearby tree and activated Meditation. About half an hour later, my Mana was filled up, so I activated Dash once again and sprinted circles around the park, and I did this until my Mana ran out once again, I activated Meditation again and I repeated this until Dash had leveled up twice, and Meditation leveled up once.
I pulled up my Skills List and looked through my skills.
{Gamer's Mind} Lvl. MAX
{Gamer's Body} Lvl. MAX
{Observe} Lvl. 2 (0%)
{Stealth} Lvl. 1 (5%)
{Meditation} Lvl. 3 (0%)
{Dash} Lvl. 4 (3%)I pressed my index finger on Meditation, and Dash.
{Meditation} Lvl. 3 (0%) [7 MP per minute, 3 HP per 1 minute]
{Dash} Lvl. 4 (3%) {10 MP} [Increases DEX by 8 points, lasts 6 minutes, the user needs Mana to fuel further use of skill]Okay then, this is quite the boost in speed, with Dash activated, my Dexterity will be raised to sixteen, I hope that will be the speed boost I need, it wouldn't be a bad idea to level it up a bit more though, but I have to pay attention to my other skills.
So since I had to level up my other skills, I activated Stealth and made my way home, there wasn't really anyone walking outside so there was no one to judge me, anyway, as I was making my way to my house I was spamming Observe at nearly everything in sight, after ten times I got kinda dizzy and had to stop for a bit though.
Soon I arrived at my house, I turned Stealth off and walked inside, I took off my shoes and walked further into the house, I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that about three hours had passed, I saw that my parents cooking dinner together, I announced my return and I sat down on the couch, I went into full relaxation mode, I sunk into the cushions on the couch and closed my eyes, it was nice and peaceful until I had to get up and set the table.
Me and my family had a peaceful dinner and I went to bed at around nine.
I wonder what will happen tomorrow?
(Kyu: Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this story and that you are all having a great day!)

Highschool DxD: The Game (Early Work)
General FictionMeet Kyu, he's your somewhat average teenager, other than the fact that he possesses the power of The Gamer and is on the track to becoming the universe's strongest combatant. The phrase "Early Work" included in this title means that the story-telli...